Jacob Chestnut ... NCO, United States Air Force;
© 1998 |
was stationed with Jacob Chestnut in 1961-63 at Hanscom
Field Mass., with the 3246th Air Base Group, Air Police
Division. We patrolled together and were on the same
Flight. I remember him as a quiet, friendly and dedicated
man. I was saddened to hear of his loss. His dedication
to his country should be an inspiration to all of us.
Capitol Police Officer Jacob Chestnut, 58, was a member of the Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF). As a United States Air Force Veteran, "JJ" Chestnut retired with 20 years service as a non-commissioned officer. He also served two tours in the Republic of Vietnam. First with the 12th Combat Security Police (Jan-Dec. 1966), Phu Cat, and second with the 633d Combat Security Police (May 1968-May 1969), Pleiku. Both Jacob Chestnut and fellow officer John Gibson were killed in the line of duty while defending the United States Capitol Building from an armed attack by a lone gunman. Officer John Gibson was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery after a 14 miles long funeral procession, on Thursday, July 30, 1998. Officer Jacob Chestnut was laid to rest at Arlington on Friday, July 31, 1998. The Army approved Capitol Police Officer Gibson's interment there, after it was requested by Gingrich and House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt. A Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF) Tribute to Fallen Warriors may be viewed at Jacob Chestnut. Outstanding media coverage and stories are courtesy of NBC4LA CHANNEL 4 NEWS Breaking story at MSNBC (The Associated Press and Reuters also contributed to this report). Arrangements for flowers and contributions are in progress. Anyone wishing to contribute to the fund may do so by writing the below address. All funds --100%--raised will go directly to the families of Jacob Chestnut and fellow officer John Gibson. Single checks will be given to the families by the VSPA. Family wishes, when known, will be respected by the Association. The VSPA will post at this location the total funds raised and the distribution made. |