1) TSN 1972-1973: Rumor had it that this was CIA training an
ARVN Ranger battalion
(behind all the bushes).

2) It always looked to me like regular paratroop training.

3) I always liked this photo of the AC119 gunship "warbird"
taxiing past the 747 "Freedombird".

4) John Denver's "Take Me Home... " song comes to mind.

5)... in a pinch... this one would take me home just

6) TSN - Remember this gate, eastside of TSN gate to Saigon?
QC's ran their counterpart gate right next to it on the road.

7) This photo is of QRT at TSN 1972.
I'm the handsome one... (center... in case you are wondering!).
That's me in front, with Chuck Layton to the right side
of the photo.
Unfotunately, I can't remember the other guys' names in the
and no... the nose didn't come with the glasses.

8) Cross-Pistols pin, above USAF patch.

9) Took this one to record the degree of buildup being done
before the
peace treaty went into effect. Note the taped closed cockpit

10) The US Gov't had sent so many C-130's they had no hangers,
and no pilots
for them all so they lined them all up on the runways just
parked there.

11) 1972 QRT on patrol on north perimeter, having just left

12)... Say CHEEEE-ZE !
Karl Jockell, with his usual intelligent expression.

13) Alpha-5

14) Tan Son Nhut: Long
Binh Gate.
15) It was okay to wear your civies into town.

16) Long Binh Gate - A little heavy back-up at the
Gate. I have the right of way... any questions little fella?
17) Security Police V-100, with a grinning A1C John Holman.
18) Quick Response Team, at Alpha 72.
19) Tan Son Nhut: A1C Doyle (Deceased) manning a SPS M60
20) Alpha.

21) Fort

22) Helipad.