- Constituted 14th Security Police Squadron, Fighter, Jet, on 20 May 1948.
- Activated on 26 Jul 1948.
- Inactivated on 25 Oct 1957.
- Redesignated 14th Air Police Squadron on 14 Mar 1966.
- Organized on 8 Apr 1966.
- Redesignated 14th Security Police Squadron on 15 May 1967.
- Inactivated on 15 Oct 1969.
- Activated on 1 Jul 1984.
Seventeen campaign streamers and thirteen decorations.
The Vietnam Service Streamer, a unit award analogous to the award of the medal and ribbon for the individual is identical to the ribbon in design and color. A United States Air Force (USAF) unit qualified for the Vietnam Service Streamer if it was based in South Vietnam at any time between 1 July 1958 and 14 November, or 29 January through 28 March 1973.* A unit based during these same periods in Thailand and flying missions into or over Vietnam also received the Vietnam Service Streamer. Nonpaying combat support units based in Thailand at any time between 1 July 1958 and 28 March 1973 are also entitled to the service streamer.
* Units earned the appropriate campaign streamers between 15 November 1961
and 28 January 1973.
A Campaign Streamer is a Vietnam Service Streamer with the name and dates of the campaign embroidered on it. With one exception, the Vietnam Air-Ground Campaign, a unit qualified for a campaign streamer if it was based in Vietnam or engaged in combat in Southeast Asia during the period of a designated campaign.
Presidential Unit Citation:
- (Southeast Asia) 9 Apr 1966-7 Mar 1967.
- (Southeast Asia) 21 Jun 1968-30 Jul 1969.
Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards with Combat "V" Device
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Crosses with Palm:
- 15 May 1967-15 Oct 1969;
- 1 Jan-30 Aug 1968.
- 14th Air Base Group, 26 Jul 1948-Oct 1949.
- Pacific Air Forces, 14 Mar 1966;
- 14th Combat Support Group, 8 Apr 1966-15 Oct 1969;
- 14th Air Base Group, 1 Jul 1984--.
- Dow AFB, Maine, 26 Jul 1948-2 Oct 1949;
- Nha Trang, South Vietnam, 8 Apr 1966-15 Oct 1969;
- Columbus AFB, Miss, 1 Jul 1984---.
14th Security Sq
UNIT EMBLEM: 14th Security Police Squadron
SIGNIFICANCE: The emblem is symbolic of the 14th Security Police Squadron, against a field of Ultramarine Blue and Air Force Yellow used in thedesign. Blue represents the primary theater of Air Force operations. The colors of Black and White located within the Triangle represent the motto of the Squadron, "Day And Night", which was adopted during the Unit's assignment at Nha Trang, South Vietnam.
Yellow represents the sun and the excellence required of Air Force personnel. The Triangle represents the area surrounding the present area of assignment, Columbus AFB, Mississippi. The towns of Columbus, Starkville and West Point comprise the "Golden Triangle", which have always supported the military mission of the 14th FTW.
The Blade is indicative of the Unit's mission of constant readiness as policemen and our Air Base Defense commitment to be able to fly and fight. The Olive Leaf represents our peace time commitment to community service. The field of Red symbolizes the security police men and women who gave their lives for our country.
The emblem bears our National Colors and the Air Force Colors of Golden Yellow and Ultramarine Blue.
On an Ultramarine Azure Disc. A sable, argent and gules Triangle is positioned at fess point. An Ultramarine Azure Sword divides the Triangle in half, with t he dexter side sable and the sinister side argent. The Blade of the Sword rests on the field of gules which makes up the base of the Triangle. Avertical Olive Leaf rests beneath the handle of the Sword. The Triangle and Disc are bordered with Air Force Yellow. An Argent Scroll is attached below the Disc and is also bordered with Air Force yellow.
Ultramarine Blue
| 67118
Air Force Yellow
| 67103
| 65005
Marine Corps Red
| 67154
Irish Green HCO
| 67189
Silver Gray
| 67137
| 67138
Terra Cotta Haz
| 67150
Suggested Subdued Colors
Flag Blue HY
| 67124
Spruce Green
| 67130
Garnet HBN
| 67158
Olive Drab
| 67133
| 67138