1. flight line parade for General Westmoreland's visit a few days after the 1 Nov 1964 mortar attack.
 2. Article from the base newspaper at Hickam AFB, Hawaii:
"HICKAMITES AT Biên Hòa AB, VIET-NAM -- Hickamite Air Police take a photo-break at their duty station, Biên Hòa Air Base, which recently underwent a mortar attack [1 Nov 1964] from the Communist Viet Cong forces. The nine who are helping maintain security of that installation are: (front row, l-to-r) A2C Richard Watkins, A1C Daryl Skare, A3C John Wilson and George Boswell. Rear: (l-to-r) A2C James Johnson, A2C Heuman, A2C David Kruger, A2C Thomas Jablon [VSPA] and A2C Kenneth Arnesen. (USAF Photo)"
3. Patch: 34th ABG/AP (34th TAC/Grp.)
4. Your's Truly, Thomas Jablon, in front of the barracks: Harms Way.
5. A2C Tom Jablon and A1C Daryl Skare.
6. Tom Jablon - Off Duty and at the wire.
LIPs Constructing our barracks.
10. LIPs Constructing our barracks.
12. SSgt Hoy, after we moved in and modified the barracks.
13. Sgt Hoy and Airman Wilson.
14. Walter Bond and Jim Fleming.
15. Security bunkers we manned, and built
during our off-duty time!
16. A bunker we built off-duty for SPS and QC.
17. Another bunker we built off-duty for SPS.
18. Perimeter Road SPS Patrol.
19. Scenes around the base.
20. Scenes around the base. Bicycle girl checking us out.
21. Scenes around the base. Wherever a pretty woman was
... Bond was always close behind.
22. Airman Richard Watson.
23. Beautiful downtown Biên Hòa.
24. ARVN soldiers checking out downtown Biên Hòa.
25. Downtown Biên Hòa, with ever present Arts Dealer.
26. Downtown Biên Hòa, with young ladies strolling along.
27. Downtown Cat House. At least that is what I was told.
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