1 - My good buddy Glen Davis, from West Virginia with his captured AK-47.

"Ain't it purtty!"

2 Not a great shot, but close examination shows these SPs preparing
minigun for night duty. Woe to Charley if he encounters this team tonight.

Our miniguns were slowed down to fire 3,200
full metal jacket rounds per minute.

3 I took this from the drivers seat of Fluffy
our beloved Armored
Personnel Carrier, M113. This is the North West perimeter area.

4 Inside a commando car. Note the knobs and ports
through which SPs
could fire their M16s. Anyone remember this mans name?

5 G. Ernest Govea, behind an M60 machine gun on a
commando car of the 3rd ACAV of the 3rd SPS.

3rd ACAV of the 3rd SPS

6 Fluffy, fully armed, and my fellow crew members.
I took the picture and was the driver.
L R: A buck sergeant whose name I no longer recall,
A1C Ustonovich, Sgt Dicks our track commander, and
A1C Gelderman from Pennsylvania.