MARS Calling
Thuy !
Thuy Air Base, 1969-1970 - "Captain, you've got a MARS call coming in!" The Air
Policeman aroused me from my rack at 0200. "It's your
father, Sir. He wants to talk to you." The AP's jeep
whizzed across
Thuy Air Base to the MARS station [Military Affiliate Radio
System (MARS), DOD]. "Hello," I said, "Dad, this is your
son, Bill, over."
"Hi, son. I'm calling
because... well, uh, your mother and I... just received
this package. Uh, it has a baby bottle sterilizer in
it. And blankets and cloth diapers. And, uh, a baby stroller.
Folded up. Son, your mother and I were wondering... well, you've been over there for nine months and well
we thought maybe... well, you know."
A long pause. "Dad, you
have to say over when you're through. Then I can
"... Uh, over."
"That package, Dad. It's
not for me. My Vietnamese counterpart's wife is expecting
a baby and I ordered a bunch of stuff from CONUS. A place
in Dallas, to be exact. I sent them a copy of my PCS
orders. Geze, they shipped the stuff to my permanent
home address and not to my APO. Over."
"We thought... your
mother and I... thought that maybe you had gotten
a Vietnamese girl, er, well pregnant... Er, over."
"Nope. I'm still single
and I'm behaving myself. Do me a favor. Relabel the box
and ship it to my APO. Can you do that? Over."
"Yes. Yes, I can. I'm
sorry to call you, but we thought it was, well, an emergency."
Another pause. "You need
to say Over, Dad." He stumbled through the two-syllable
word again. "Dad, I appreciate your concern. Just trust
me on this. Give mom a hug for me. Over and out."
The AP's face wore a distinct
smirk. "That was a good storyline, Cap'n."
"Thanks," I mumbled. "Not
a story. Just the truth. It's a large carton. I'll give
you a call, Sergeant, when it arrives and we can both
deliver it off base to Major Thuc and his wife."
Captain Bill McCarron,
USAF Training Adviser, AFAT-4
Air Base,
July 1969-July 1970

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