1) Buddies--Me with M60, Tom Owens driving. Alpha Area. Alpha-17

2) Night: Photo of 50 cal. Perimeter pill box, taken through Starlight Scope.

3) Side
view C-47 SPOOKY gunship.

4) Spooky's Gatlin Guns up close and personal.

5) The 1967-1968 Gang, in front of Central Security Control.
L-R, Back Row (standing): Pappie Boyette, Tom Owens, Tony Ralston (me), Al Koheler, Steve Hamm, and Jim Graves.
L-R, Front Row: Bill Stoe, Dennis Hutchings, Richard Wiggins, John Rankins, and Dane Vickers.

6) Pappie Boyette.

7) Tom Owens and Tony Raltson.

8) Al Koheler, Steve Hamm, John Rankins, and Jim Graves.

9) Bill Stoe, Dennis Hutchings, and Richard Wiggins.

10) A
picture of Hotel #2 that some of us were privileged to stay
at before going to barracks. This is in
City of Ben Xe Moi, 6 miles from Bình Thủy . Dec 13 1967- Jan 29 1968

11) A picture of monument erected for Sgt
Gary Midkiff, the first Killed In Action casualty for the 632nd SPS,
during the 1968 Offensive at Bình Thủy Air Base: On Feb. 4, 1968
at approximately 2:00 a.m.,
the TET Offensive became a reality for Bình Thủy AB.