Take Time To Live
Chaplain Steve Janke

483rd SPS, Cam Ranh Bay AB,
K-9, 1970-1971

It's hard to believe the holidays will soon be upon us. This issue I'd like to share a few thoughts from the Bible with you. 


What is our life? It is like a vapor, that appears for a short time (a term we can identify with) and then vanishes away.(James 4: 14) In being so busy, sometimes we fail to enjoy the things that are most rewarding.  

I. TAKE T.IME TO LISTEN (Isa 55: 3) - Listen to others, everyone needs a listening ear at time. Listening encourages, solves problems, brings comfort and healing to those in grief or sadness.

II. LISTEN TO GOD - We receive help from Him when we hear and heed his words, we get comfort and council when we take time to listen.  

III. TAKE TIME TO LAUGH (Prov 17: 22) - We can laugh at ourselves, enjoy others, rejoice in God's blessings.  

IV. TAKE TIME TO LIFT (Mark 9: 27) - Christ wasn't too busy to lift'taking time for others helps us as well.  

V. TAKE TIME TO LOVE (I John 4: 16) - Share a smile, kind word, helping hand, and if you know him, share Christ.  

VI. TAKE TIME TO LEARN (Psalms 119: 105)  - Learn from God, reading and meditating on his work and faith, we get wisdom from above. Learn from people.  

Happy Holidays

 Reprinted from VSPA Guardmount - Jan 1998
Music & © 1998, by J. Eshleman, ll BMI
All music is played by permission of the composers and copyright holders.
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