Posting Truck
Chaplain Steve Janke
483rd SPS, Cam Ranh Bay AB,
K-9, 1970-1971
To some post-time means a night at the races and
       some fun...
To teenage kids in Vietnam it meant going to work in
       a war we could not have won.
You think of many things when you're on a truck in
       the night.
Heading out to a new post
And wondering if this night you may have to fight.
You think of what is wrong and what is right.
You think of a lot of things as the safety of the base
       fades slowly out of sight.
(The wind blows in your face and war dog's eager to
       get started.)

Going out
was different than coming back.
When going out there was the anxiety and worry of
       what was ahead.
When coming back, about all you could think of was
       maybe some breakfast and the sack.
Alone going out, alone while dropped of, and
       alone coming back home.
I guess that's why many ex K-9 men still prefer to be
The good thing in looking back is that with God there
       we're never alone
Then or now.' 
Music & © 1998, by J. Eshleman, ll BMI
All music is played by permission of the composers and copyright holders.
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