Ranh Bay
Bomb Dump Explosion!
August 25, 1971
© 2003
by Don O'Fee, VSPA LM 105
Security Police Squadron
of the Cam Ranh Bay AB Munitions area blowing up for 2 days! We had a sapper attack on 8/25/71.
I have my diary notes and also a Time mag. article mentioning the attack. Let
me know how much, other than the photo you need.
I'm sending the
photo's, Time article,and the notes from my diary. The notes came from my friends
who were in the munitions area the night of the attack. I was in Australia on
R&R. I took the aftermath photo's.
few revetments of 500 pounders withstood the explosions and fire.
of the few things left standing in the devastation.
at the entrance of the Mike Area.
and CBU's were spread over a 2 mile area.
Ain't I Pretty!
nightly post was Mike 3 in the bomb dump. John Buck ( Mike 4 ), Frank Yarbourgh
, John McClain and Frank Neely were on the QRT team that night in the Mike area.
was with the 483rd SPS from 3/71 to 3/72 at Cam Ranh. I'm now VSPA Life Member
At CRB, I was night humper too, Phantom Flight.
Check out the patch on my cammies... I've never seen another one like it.
Read Capt. Daniel WIlliams
related story

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