Đà Nàng AB
Đà Nàng AB, 6222nd ABG/AP, c.1962-1963

by Gary Bunney
© 2002

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An ARVN post outside Đà Nàng.

My Orders follow:



I found my old orders - In 1962, I was originally assigned to 6222nd ABSq PACAF APO 137 Đà Nàng.  In July of 1963 we were reassigned on paper to the 23rd ABG, Đà Nàng.  My tour was Dec 1962 to Dec 1963 (got home just before Christmas 1963).
     As I recall there were only about 20 of us in the Security Police Unit, mainly covering the flight line and a small radar site off the end of the runway (the runway was dirt then with PSP steel sheets linked together covering it.  No jets in those days, all prop-jobs, C123s, AD6's, T28's, B-26's. Also the old WWII eggbeaters the marines had.  Just before I shipped out some Army Hueys were in & out a few times.
     I also found that we called ourselves the 6222nd "Tough Tigers" not "Fighting Tigers"  - memory again -  as I recall we weren't all that tough, and I don't recall any of us being tiger-like  : ).
     I do have some more black and white pictures of Đà Nàng, China Beach, Marble Mountain, Tri Bui Tu and other areas.  If you're interested I'd be happy to email them to you.  Gary

Above are my original orders to APO 74 (which was Saigon ?) but they sent me on to Đà Nàng APO 137.



I think this is a form of Vietnamese passport. I found it in my stuff & only remember tiny bits of the language so I can't decipher it.   This pretty well takes care of the photos I have that would mean anything to anyone. I've got a lot more of "scenery" etc. shot from the back of C123's or Caribous, and photos of various stuff around the countryside but nothing really identifiable.  Thanks, Gary Bunney
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