was one of my first ventures into town after arriving at NKP in June
of 1969. I was slightly inebriated [maybe] when I left the bar... I had to get back to base and get ready to go to work... I remember
attempting to make my way to the bus stop when the samlar drivers
surrounded me and began to push me back and forth in an attempt to
get my business or relieve me of my wallet... Now, mind you this
is an unacceptable circumstance to any red blooded Irishman even if
he's perfectly sober. The circle of samlar drivers closed in and the
pushing became punching... so I began to respond, insult for insult
-- push for push -- punch for punch. Then ---a voice from the crowd
said -- You Number 10 GI, To which I replied -- You Number
10 Thai, and your Queen is # Sip, Sip, Sip-loy [roughly translated
-- your Queen is number 10,000 times 10,000 --- The ultimate Insult... Then it got ugly.
Soon, the Thai
Police arrived with mischief on their minds, a GI by himself, no witnesses
... just then you guys showed up, and not moment to soon... Shirt ripped,
nose a little bloodied, maybe a little dirt on my 'Civvies'--- You
guys calmed the situation down just long enough to get me out of there
in one piece. You even gave me a ride back to base in the back of
your Jeep, no charge. It was my most memorable ride in Thailand... Speeding
down the road... wind in my face, sparing no bumps along the way... I
did have to sit in the AP interrogation room .'for observation purposes'
... before being released... But it was worth it!
Thanks for
the Lift!
Bob Gallagher
56 FMS, NKP 1969-1970
PS: The photo was taken on Christmas Eve 1969, on top of the roof at the
Hotel Ubar,while TDY at Udorn RTAFB... We did manage to party hearty that
night also... however, this time no assistance was required by the
local gendarmes!