War and Christmas, 1966

by Frank Pilson

War and Christmas 1966

    Christmas Eve
           all is quiet, good will to mankind except in Nam,
            sand on our roof, rats in the bunker,
         Uncle Sam and Ho say truce, not in Nam
     Working mids with my meal of C Rations... call McD'S no drive-ins
       Bohica... Mass... off... number one
 Day After
    slept all day, home next year [1967]
     WHY ??? were there for whom ????
   war is cold wet and rainy... 70... War kills, spirits and bodies now or later
           missing you
        Choi Oi... Figmo... Fubar
    I came home which was purgatory
      I lost which was hell
         and I survived
                DUNG LAI

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