SPS and
Night Recon!
© 2013 by Allen L. Tucker
Udorn RTAFB,
432nd Security Police Squadron, 1974-1975, and
TDY with 40th ARRS DET-5 as Night Recon Observer,
October 1974-October 1975.
40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron-Detachment 5
Bill Marshall, think you might enjoy to share these photo's with your Air Force Security Police organization. I was a member of the 432nd Security Police Squadron, June 1974-June 1975, and served TDY also with 40th ARRS DET-5 as Night Recon Observer, October 1974-October 1975. I include a brief summary of each photo for each member to enjoy and share. I hope to become a member soon. Thanks for the welcome home. Take care, Allen L. Tucker
Thanks Phil Carroll! Welcome Home! I am officially an annual member of VSPA and would like to contribute the photo's for your photo gallery. Great to be part of the VSPA Brotherhood, we forget none and leave no one behind!
Allen L. Tucker
432nd Security Police Squadron,
40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron-Detachment 5.
Udorn RTAFB, 1974-1975
Allen Tucker Reflection: Were you in country in 1975? Do you remember the base activity loading F-4's with 500 pounders that day at Udorn RTAFB Thailand? That day... like all others many live each and every day... remembering personal losses in many wars, to this very day. As young as we were, always a just cause in our actions. A country had asked as always for personal sacrifices. Who knew then, how much one would have to sacrifice? I'm sure to this day, that if it were to be done again, all involved would do the same. God bless those 21 men of 56th Security Police Squadron, Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, Thailand and 4 Flight Crew members of Aerospace Rescue Recovery Squadron ch-53 Tail -Number 68-1033. God bless all those involved in deployment and recovery operation of the Mayaguez. Thanks for being there in country and devotion to duty and what America stands for. Allen L. Tucker,
432nd SPS/40th ARRS, DET-5 Udorn RTAFB 1974-1975.
1. 432nd TFW: Largest Tactical Fighter Wing in The World!
Primary Missions: "Hit The Target and Get The Pictures"
| 3.
Primary Mission: "and KILL MIGS"
4. HH-43F Huskie, 40th ARRS DET-5, Pedro 33 and Pedro 34.
A1C (E4) Tucker, NOD HH-43F Huskie, Call Sign: “EAGLE ONE.”
6. Flight over Paradise Hotel, Udorn, Thailand.
7. Airborne Over SPS Barracks building 96 and AFTN.
8. HH-43F Huskie Pedro 33, landing. Day Recon Flight.
Departing Air Reconnaissance Flight, Pedro 34.
10. F-4E Phantom, Tail Number 72-208.
11. F-4D’s, Loran Equipped, Bravo Sector, Echo 45.
12. F-4D Uploaded and Ready to Hit The Target!
13. C-130 Hercules Spectre Gunship, Home Base NKP.
F-4D Tail Number 67-463, Captain Steve Ritchie, the first Vietnam War Ace, and with Five Mig Kills.
15. M-151 Jeep equipped with M60 Machinegun, Sierra 41.
16. M-706 Commando-QRT-Tiger Flight-Quebec 40, at CSC.

17. M-706 Commando-Tiger Flight-Quebec 40-Bravo Sector.
18. T-28’s, Thai Air Force.
19. “Air America” C-46’s and C-123’S Providers.
20. EC-47’s Bravo Sector.
K-9 SPS MWD Dog Handler, A1C (E4) Brown, Bravo Sector.
22. M60 Mount on M-706 APC Quebec 40, QRT-Bravo Sector.
23. Strip Malls outside the Main Gate, Udorn RTAFB, 1975.
NOTE: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron (ARRS),
Special Operation Squadron (SOS) and Search and Rescue (SAR)
Credited for 3,883 Successful Rescues.
Motto: “So That Others May Live”
HH-43F Huskie, Nicknamed “PEDRO”
Credited with 1,836 Combat Saves