Lineage, Honors, Awards, and History of the
6220th Air Police Squadron
Tan Son Nhut AB, TDY, 29 Dec 1962 - 29 Mar 1963
Department of the Air Force, letter: 34th ABS; 6220th ABS.
Department of the Air Force, Microfilm Reference: 34th ABS; 6220th ABS.
Department of the Air Force, Microfilm Reference: 34th ABS; 6220th ABS.
Department of the Air Force, Microfilm Reference: 34th ABS; 6220th ABS.
Department of the Air Force, Microfilm Reference: 34th ABS; 6220th ABS.
Department of the Air Force, Microfilm Reference: 34th ABS; 6220th ABS.

6220th ABS: Special Order TA-1320. We Take Care of Our Own
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