377th Security Police Squadron (AFMC)
Constituted 377th Air Police Squadron, activated, and organized on 8 Apr 1966. Redesignated 377th Security Police Squadron on 15 May 1967. Inactivated on 28 Mar 1973. Activated on 15 Oct 1985. Redesignated 377th Security Police Flight on 1 May 1991. Inactivated on 1 Jan 1993. Redesignated 377th Security Police Squadron, and activated on 1 Jan 1993.
The Vietnam Service Streamer, a unit award analogous to the award of the medal and ribbon for the individual. is identical to the ribbon in design and color. A United States Air Force (USAF) unit qualified for the Vietnam Service Streamer if it was based in South Vietnam at any time between 1 July 1958 and 14 November, or 29 January through 28 March 1973.* A unit based during these same periods in Thailand and flying missions into or over Vietnam also received the Vietnam Service Streamer. Nonpaying combat support units based in Thailand at any time between 1 July 1958 and 28 March 1973 are also entitled to the service streamer.
* Units earned the appropriate campaign streamers between 15 November 1961
and 28 January 1973.
CAMPAIGN STREAMERS is a Vietnam Service Streamer
with the name and dates of the campaign embroidered on it. With one exception, the Vietnam Air-Ground Campaign, a unit qualified for a campaign streamer if it was based in Vietnam or engaged in combat in Southeast Asia during the period of a designated campaign.
Vietnam Air, 31 January - June 1966.
Vietnam Air Offensive, 29 June 1966-8 March 1967.
Vietnam Air Offensive, Phase II, 9 March 1967-31 March 1968.
Vietnam Air Offensive, Phase III, 1 April-October 1968.
Vietnam Air/Ground, 22 January-7 July 1968.
Vietnam Air Offensive, Phase IV, 1 November 1968-22 February 1969.
TET 69/Counteroffensive, 23 February-8 June 1969.
Vietnam Summer-Fall, 9 June-31 October 1969.
Vietnam Winter-Spring, 1 November 1969-30 April 1970.
Sanctuary Couteroffensive, 1 May-30 June 1970.
Southwest Monsoon, 1 July-30 November 1970.
Commando Hunt V, 1 December 1970-14 May 1971.
Commando Hunt VI, 15 May-31 October 1971.
Commando Hunt VII, 1 November 1971-29 March 1972.
Vietnam Ceasefire, 30 March 1972-28 January 1973.
Presidential Unit Citation: 31 Jan-2 Feb 1968.
Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards with Combat "V" Device:
- 4 & 5 Dec 1966,
- 8 Apr 1966-31 May 1967,
- 1 Apr 1969-31 Mar 1971,
- 17 Jan 1972-28 Mar 1973.
Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards:
- 15 Oct 1985-14 Jun 1987,
- 1 May 1989-30 Apr 1991.
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Crosses with Palm:
- 8 Apr 1966-14 May 1967,
- 15 May 1967-28 Jan 1973.
- 377th Combat Support Group (later, 377th Air Base Wing), 8 Apr 1966-28 Mar 1973.
- Phased down for inactivation, Feb-Mar 1973.
- 377th Security Police Group, 15 Oct 1985;
- 86th Security Police Squadron, 1 May 1991-1 Jan 1993.
- 377th Security Police Squadron (377th Combat Support Group), 1 Jan 1993--.
On January 1, 1993, the 377th SPS left Ramstein Air Base, West Germany and is now assigned to Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. The 377th Combat Security Police is still acting in the role of combat with Seventh Air Force. Conducted normal security police activities plus concentrated Air Base defense. Tan Son Nhut Air Field underwent numerous attacks from Communist forces between 13 April 1966 and 28 Jan 1973, when a cease-fire agreement was finally reached. While stationed at Ramstein Air Base, West Germany, the 377th was assigned to the 86th Security Police Squadron and deployed throughout the world as a fast reaction team. While at Ramstein Air Base, the 377th was awarded two more decorations thru 1991.
- Tan Son Nhut Air Field, South Vietnam, 8 Apr 1966-28 Mar 1973.
- Ramstein AB, Germany, 15 Oct 1985-1 Jan 1993.
- Kirtland AFB, NM, 1 Jan 1993--.
377th Security Police Sq
377th Security Police Squadron
Approved 19 June 1969.
Negative Number: KE-34944.
DESCRIPTION: An inner disc divided per fess, yellow at the top and light blue in base, bearing in fess a red flight symbol surmounted in dexter by the blue silhouette of an Security Policeman. Around the disc a border of blue chain links with red center, all within an outer band counterchanged light blue at the top and yellow in base. On the band, four triangles with points inward, one at the top and one in base in the vertical center, and one on each side in the horizontal center, each triangle divided into two equal halves yellow and blue. Between each triangle, two billets, yellow on light blue and light blue on yellow. The outer band edged with a blue border. Attached above the disc a blank light blue scroll edged blue (for the unit designation). Attached below the disc a light blue scroll edged blue and inscribed "Proven In Combat" in yellow letters.
SIGNIFICANCE: The Air Force colors, ultramarine blue and Air Force yellow, are used in the design. Ultramarine blue denotes the sky, the primary theater of Air Force operations, and yellow represents the sun and the excellence of personnel in assigned duties. The emblem as a whole depicts the squadron's law enforcement and security functions, which are inseparable. The silhouette figure denotes personnel who have given their lives in the defense of the United States of America. The Chain symbolizes encompassing security of personnel, aerospace resources (depicted by the stylized Aircraft), property, and equipment
. The 12 points of the outer edge represent the clock--24--hour protective coverage of aerospace vehicles and personnel. The four large points depict the directional points of the compass and the ability and willingness of squadron personnel to deploy quickly to any global area in defense of the US or of oppressed people.
Ultramarine Blue
| 65010 (AF Ultramarine)
Air Force Yellow
| 70068
Light Blue
| 70211
| 70042
DATE PREPARED. 12 May 1995.
SUPERSEDES. Statement on 24 Oct 1985.
HISTORIAN. Dr. Bynum Weathers
APPROVED BY Judy G. Endicott, Historian.