Stories! is an Awards winning family-rated 1.350 GB site averaging 5,500+ hits daily and has had over 30 million visitors. Compiled and edited by Vietnam veteran Don
Poss. War Stories! a site for all Vietnam Veterans to voice
personal Vietnam experiences in a short-story format.
The Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF) is an association of USAF Vietnam War veterans who served in Vietnam or Thailand between July 1, 1958 and May 15, 1975, as Air / Security Police (Permanent Change of Station, TDY, or as an Augmentee). Compiled and edited by Vietnam veteran Don
Poss. VSPA.com is also 1.3 GB in size, and averages about 1,800 daily unique visits.
Down~Under! One of the first, and certainly the best, Vietvet
homepages around!

Association for All Vietnam Dog Handlers! War Dogs!
Nguyễn's QC MP homepage!
Check it out!
the AF Sentry Dog, who was involved in the Dec 6, 1966 fight at
Tan Son Nhut, in which the first AF Security Police K-9 handler
died, and a couple of sentry dogs were killed. Read the
inspirational story of his return to Lackland AFB as an example
for K-9 handlers in training!
35th SPS K-9, Phan Rang
Air Force Base, Germany, Home of The 50th Air Police K-9
(1960-1965): MODERN MINUTEMEN! Outstanding representation of U.S.
Air Force Security Forces. Edited by Tom Newton, the webpage
remembers from whence Security Forces originated. An authoritative
source for USAF evolvement from Military Police, Air Police,
Security Police, to today's Security Forces. Check it out, or miss-out!
Force Library of Frequently Asked Questions: Contacting
Military Personnel; Career Info Military Memorabilia; Air Force
Aircraft, Units, Space, Special Topics, and Weapons Historical
Information on USAF Records and squadron history.
US Department of Defense: General Questions and FAQ.
366th TFW Gunfighters, Lost & Found, Đà Nàng
Air Field, RVN, 1966-1972.
SPS Tan Son Nhut homepage
Air Force Security Forces Association
Force Security Police Museum
21 Guns.com TSgt
Butler Memorial Website
TSgt Mackey's USAF Air Police/Security Police/Security Forces Collection
1970s Clark Air Base K-9 Homepage
Your USAF AP/SP Link here!
· Security Forces
- This is the place for Military
Police, APS/SPS, and Security Forces to meet
and share the stories and experiences that we share with the
"bond of the blue beret."