© 1995-2023, Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF). All Rights Reserved.
Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF) is incorporated as a 501©(19) Tax Exempt Veteran's Organization.
About VSPA
Who We Are: The Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF) is an association of USAF Vietnam War veterans who served in Vietnam or Thailand between July 1, 1958 and May 15, 1975, as Air / Security Police (Permanent Change of Station, TDY, or as an Augmentee, and qualify for the Vietnam Service Medal). The Air Force recognizes 1961 as the date Air Police personnel began serving in Vietnam, and 1973 as the date military personnel left Vietnam. Some VSPA members were there prior to 1961 and assigned to protect executive aircraft, like the Ambassador's that flew into Vietnam, or served in the Security Service Crypto units for the Ambassador. We also extended our membership eligibility to May 15, 1975, to include Security Police who served in Thailand up to the day 18 Security Police volunteers died en route to the Mayaguez rescue mission, as well as those who served in Operation Frequent Wind for the evacuation of Saigon in April, 1975. What it boils down to is that we are an inclusive association and extend our membership eligibility dates as a matter of taking care of our own.
Welcome Home to VSPA! I am writing to you on behalf of the membership of the Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF). A thousand plus, and still growing, we extend our sincere appreciation to all who strive to preserve our history and honor our 111 fallen brothers.
VSPA was formed for many reasons: to reunite friends, to preserve the memory of our fallen brothers, the history of our service in Vietnam, and to ensure that the hard lessons learned in Vietnam and Thailand would not be forgotten. Lessons of life and death, forged in war, tempered in battle, that when remembered will provide inspiration to Airmen who are yet to taste combat defending the fortress, and pride for those who have fought and bled with us.
We relish contact with current members of the USAF Security Forces, support training at the Security Forces Academy, and provide awards that are presented annually at the Academy. The officers of the association are elected by the membership during our annual meeting and reunion. Officers serve a two-year term and conduct the daily business of the association so that others may enjoy the camaraderie of their association while fulfilling our mission to preserve history.
The officers of the VSPA sincerely appreciates the part you may have played as an Air Police or Security Police officer during the war years in Vietnam and Thailand. We thank you for remembering our fallen brothers, and honoring our members.
Welcome Home to a very special brotherhood. You may have enjoyed web page stories and photos of bases and squadrons we served at during the Vietnam War. Through our web pages, and Guardmount publication, we want to tell every story, post every photo, crest, patch, and banner, for every base and squadron we served at in Vietnam and Thailand--for every year of the Vietnam War. And with your help, we will do just that.
SteveGattis-LM49@vspa.com, President Emeritus
Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc.
Cam Ranh Bay AB, 1968-1969
VSPA Associate Membership: While there are many, including Security Policemen, who did not serve in Vietnam or Thailand during the Vietnam War, who have expressed interest in the VSPA and applied for membership, our requirements for membership have remained firm at the direction of the entire membership. To that end, we do not offer Associate
Memberships. We do, however, welcome all who visit, and remember without us.
Paul A. Shave, LM 666,,
Membership Chairman,
Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF)