Dogs! Memorial K-9 Handlers Attending Dedication |
VDHA Members and War Dog Handlers present at the dedication |
FYI, Here is a list of 94 VDHA members who attended the War Dog Memorial dedication, Riverside, California, on February 21, 2000, President's Day: |
Ron Aiello, Marine Scout raiello@icdc.com Rusty Allen, Jr. 47th/59th Scout ipsd@gte.net Wilfred Baca, 46th Scout scoutdogg@aol.com David Baker, 632nd APS (RIP Feb 2, 2014) Billy Barnes, 50th Scout m100fink@aol.com Richard Baumer, 62nd CTT baumerR@aol.com Rita Bernier, Supporter James Black, 37th Scout jdblack@jblack.com John Burnam, 44th Scout Burnam@erols.com James Camp, 42nd Scout sctdog42@aol.com Charlie Cargo, 48th Scout k9nam@scoutdogpages.com Bruce Carroll, 47th Scout George Cartter, 31st SPS Larry Chilcoat, 12th SPS lar-dj@tisd.net Donald Chubb, 48th Scout CHUBB_D@madera.k12.ca.us Albert Cianci, 212th MP James Click, 366th SPS ljclick@aol.com David Cooper, 12th SPS ncdc34@aol.com Douglas Davis, 37th SPS douglasd@gtii.com Vince De Guilio, 37th SPS vdeguilio@aol.com Fred Dorr Marine, Scout k9usmc@tisd.net Joan Elder, Supporter arrcor@pacbell.net Colin Fallat 366th & 31st SPS cachuma@west.net Scott Faust, Marine Scout Steve Garfield, 12th APS sgarfield1@aol.com Jimmy Gifford, 366th SPS jwgiff@yahoo.com Lloyd Goodin, 981st MP lloyd52@hotmail.com Jane Gorden, Supporter angelsark@aol.com Larry Grandy, 37th SPS ducknose@msn.com Karl Gross, Marine Scout khgmarine@aol.com John Hackett, Marine Sentry jhackett@pacbell.net Gary Hansen, 75th CTT ctt75@aol.com Randy Harritan, 50th Scout burandy@webtv.net Jim Hart, 12th SPS k9hohriver@centurytel.net John Harvey, USMC Scout jrhcpa@hhcpas.com Gerry Heitsman, Navy K9 Bertram Hubble, 45th/47th Scout bhubble@attglobal.net Daryl Hubble, 45th/47th Scout dhubble@thehartford.com Richard Humphrey, 38th/44th Scout rolnrch@aol.com Steve Janke, 483rd SPS jank953208@aol.com Dennis Jefcoat, 58th Scout dennis.jefcoat@gte.net Roy Johnson, Supporter jay-me-lad@greatnorthern.net Robert King, 633rd SPS kingrobert@aol.com Larry Laudner, 377th SPS ezlar@clubi.net Steve Lemish, 47th/48th Scout stephenl@k-online.com Alfred Libby, cootie0104@netnevada.net John Lidstrom, Supporter slidstro@ix.netcom.com Rob Longacre, 981st MP s181rhl@zionsbank.com Craig Lord 35th, SPS clord@excelonline.com Duane Lynde, 366th SPS dandslyne@lightspeed.net Byron Martin, 366th SPS bymart@sdcoe.k12.ca.us Michael Martin, 3rd SPS mrmsales@pacbell.net Richard Marty, 12th SPS ricnpat@shasta.com Bob Mc Cuen, 14th SPS Mike Mc Kelroy, Marine Sentry Topusmc1@aol.com Earl Mc Nelly, Sr. 3rd MP USMC mcnelly@cyberenet.net Mac McDonough, 377th/366th SPS Robert Mendoza, 65th/557th CTT rjm47@gateway.net George Miller, 6251st Combat Sq. Tom Mitchell, 12th & 31st SPS vdha@home.com John Moore, Marine Scout James Mulligan, Jr 38th Scout babs13@adnc.com Henry Nieto, 12th SPS hooah66namk9@cs.com Charles Norton, Supporter cfn@pacbell.net Jim Ower, 366th SPS K9dn@aol.com Art Peterson, 981st MP apeterson@ctcq3.com Darlyne Pettinicchio, Supporter deputyding@aol.com Thomas Polek, 6251st SPS Don Poss, 366th SPS DonPoss-LM37@vspa.com Tim Prokop, Supporter timprokop@mediaone.net William Putney, War Dogs DET wputney2@aol.com Ronnie Rackley, 366th SPS K9Rackman@Home.com Don Ray, 212th MP donray@donray.com Norm Ream, 42nd Scout nream@aol.com Robert Reese, Marines Sentry reese@quarternote.com Stephen Reichenbach, Marine Scout stever2@attglobal.net Bob Rodocker, 377th SPS aasbob@ecom.net Gerald Sandvik, 35th SPS gerald.sandvik@liquor.state.oh.us Phil Savage, 31st SPS philsavage@aol.com John Sciascia, Marine Sentry jscias1042@aol.com Jose Serrato, 56th SPS usctsgt@aol.com Roger Smith, 12th SPS John Stark, 366th SPS gstark@inreach.com Lee Stewart, 58th Scout lstewart@cts.com Greg Terry, 33rd Scout gregsterry@aol.com Thom Thomas, 35th Scout kaainoa@home.com John Tyson, 3rd SPS tyson@alpine.net Edward Vymazal, 377th SPS evymazal@cvn.net Alan Walden, 2nd CAG USMC Jerry Walsh, 40th Scout says@magnolia-net.com Jim Watford, 57th Scout jwatford@touchcontrols.com Jim Watson, 8th SPS eighthtfw@aol.com Victor White, 12th SPS mr.white@thegrid.net Vernon Whybrew, 48th Scout gintyo@aol.com Gordon Wildes, 3rd SPS k9man2@uswest.net |