War Dogs! Memorial
Feelings and Thoughts
I was at the War Dogs Memorial...
There is a Great Peace for me now...
by: Steve Janke
© 2000

On President's Day I was one of the guest speakers for the dedication of this beautiful statue. There were dog handlers there from every branch of the service that served in Vietnam and Thailand. Among them were of course our own Air Force sentry and patrol dog handlers, many of whom I met for the first time. I met some from my old base at Cam Ranh Bay AB and we served in different years but much of our recollections were the same. I can't explain the pride I felt to be there and to pay honor to those four footed canine heroes.

There is a great peace now for me in being able to have a part in that. We left behind our best friend to an unknown future. That has been righted with the help of American citizens who responded to the war dog video and helped pay for the statue. They are not forgotten any more.

It was good to see other VSPA members there to support us. Thank you, and guys if you can ever get away to visit the War Dog's Memorial it will be a blessing to you.

Peace, over and out for now.

Steve Janke/VSPA Chaplain,
War Dog Memorial (Chaplain's Corner)

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