Email Received From Jennifer
Vasquez, Aug 16, 2003

Rambo was born on 1 Jan 91 and entered the Air Force for his
"boot camp" on 16 Apr 92. He graduated and was sent to
Vandenberg (his one and only base) on 1 Jun 93.
Rambo had 10 handlers to include SSgt and SrA...Wenner, Scruggs, Barrios,
Walker, Kamora, Paille, Vecchi, Antoni and finally myself. If you ask
any of these people they would tell you what a wonderful animal he was.
He had a personality all his own.
Rambo has served our country and our squadron with great dignity. He
has been on 12 secret service missions in support of the following people:
President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, First Lady Hillary Rodham
Clinton, Pope John Paul the II, and the King and Queen of Jordan.
He is also a veteran of these operations:
Jan-Mar 95 Operation Sea Signal/Guantanmo Bay, Cuba
May-Aug 97 Operation Southern Watch/Eskan Village, Saudi Arabia
Feb-Jun 98 Operation Southern Watch/Ali Al Salem, Kuwait
Apr-Aug 99 Operation Desert Thunder/Southern Watch/Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Oct 01-Jan 02 Operation Southern Watch/Ali Al Salem, Kuwait
He responded to the following places for bomb threats and/or Explosive
Sweeps: Hearst Castle, Dos Pueblos School, U.S. Penitentiary, Housing,
and barracks. Rambo and I cleared Santa Barbara Municipal Airport on 12 Sep
01 to aid in its re-opening.
Rambo was assigned to me on 30 Apr 01. I remember asking TSgt Tiedge
if I could PLEASE have another dog. Rambo was old and stubborn and the
first thing I had to do was go in his kennel and take his bowl from him
because he was carrying it around in his mouth! Then I took him
out...I remember sitting in our training area and this dog with such old
face just came up to me and laid his head on my shoulder and gave me kisses.
I just thought how could I not want him? I have just become his world!
Rambo's health started to go down hill when we returned from Kuwait in
02.His back legs weren't as steady as they had been and the 4 months in the
desert probably didn't help this 11-year-old dog. It was determined
that Rambo was going to retire from the AF. I started the adoption
paperwork in the Spring of 02, and in Oct 02, Rambo came home!
He adjusted wonderfully and was a pleasure to have in our family. His
health improved and I was sent TDY from Nov 02-Jun 03. When I
returned, Rambo looked a lot slower and was really showing his age. He
kept going being as good of a boy as ever. I then left again TDY for 7
level school on 1 Aug-14 Aug. My husband didn't want to worry me while
I was gone, but Rambo was close to hitting rock bottom.
When I returned, and looked in his eyes, you could tell he was ready.
He looked miserable, he wasn't walking right, his vision was extremely
impaired, and he seemed so very sad.
After a long night of deliberation and looking past selfishness and
everlasting love, we made the decision to have him put down.
Yesterday, 15 Aug 03 at 1030 hrs, I watched my Partner, best friend, and
companion fall asleep with his face in my hands like he has done so many
times before...for the last time.
As a dog handler everyone wants to know if it is hard to give up your dog.
As I sit here with tears streaming down my face I will tell you this.
Rambo touched my heart in the first five minutes that I had him. I
would not give up 1 sec of our time together even knowing now how much my
heart hurts without him here now.
What the rest of the world doesn't understand is that our K-9 partners are
more than just dogs to us. They are our lifelines, they can bring us
home after a long day. They will always be there, they will never back
down and I trusted, and still trust my life with my partner even more than I
with a human.
I was given a once in a lifetime opportunity. I was able to have
something that most handlers only dream of. I was able to adopt my 1st
dog and let him live in a nice warm house full of love and puppy treats and
a Kong he could have whenever he wanted, and food other than Science Diet!
I got to
see him be happy, and live, and enjoy his life.
If you ever talk to a handler from Vietnam and have to hear about how they
had to leave there dogs behind and then tell them that you know a handler
that was able to adopt hers...they will tell you how lucky I am.
Some people ask us (handlers) why it is we went K-9. In fact it is the
first question the kennel master will ask you when you put in for your
re-train. Next time you see one of our dog teams in guardmount, on the
road, or at your post, I want you to look at them. They say that a
bond is
something that you can only feel with your dog...but I think it is something
that everyone, K-9 or not, can see. You see it in the way the dogs
looks up at you with those eyes, and how they lean into you with their body,
and how attentive they are when you speak just waiting to hear a word they
can act
on to please you. That, is why I am a dog handler! That devotion
and love that we share is immeasurable.
I will never forget Rambo, as many of you who knew him know what a great dog
he was. Myself, Frank and the other handlers know that one of Rambo's
favorite past times was sleeping...if I wasn't moving...he was front feet
apart, head down between...out like a light! So yesterday after he had
passed...he laid there and I told Frank...I wouldn't want to remember him
any other way...front feet apart with his head down between.
We had a nickname for him "brown dog". We
like to think that he is not really yesterday we
said..."Brown dogs don't die...they just find new places to
sleep!"....and that my it.
Jennifer Vasquez

Photo Above: Jennifer with her new partner Duuk
Webmaster's Comment: Jennifer also adopted Duuk
upon his retirement.