Military dogs have always received the best possible medical care available. Their
treatment was far better than what military medicine supplied to their handlers. Each base in
Vet Nam had
a veterinarian and a veterinarian technician assigned. The dogs received
frequent physicals and periodic teeth cleaning. The vet was
always available for emergency treatment. In the early days (at the new bases in
SEA) they worked under
primitive conditions. Early clinics were tents until permanent structures
were erected.
For special procedures such as X-rays, the dogs would be sedated and carried
into the military hospitals. At Đà Nàng AB Air Base, we would sneak the
dogs in the back door of the clinic. The Air Force would eventually have surgeons or even dentists assist the base veterinarian with dogs that had special
medical problems. In the early days of Veterinary Dentistry, this
was often accomplished without official approval.
See Rex and his
The base veterinarians had a special relationship with their canine
patients. The base veterinarian was responsible to the military base
commander (not the Security Police Squadron Commander) to ensure that the dogs were healthy and not harmed by working
conditions. It was common for a base veterinarian to order that his
dogs not be exposed to certain post conditions. In the case of
dogs assigned to bases in cold climates (North Dakota, Maine, etc) if it
was too cold, the dogs were not allowed outside. In
those cases, the handlers left their dogs in the kennels and went out on
post without them. There was no one to speak up on their behalf.
At Đà Nàng in 1969, monsoon rains flooded most of the dog post in the swampy,
snake infested, perimeter areas. The base
veterinarian ordered that his dogs were to stay in the kennel that night.
He would not have his dogs wading or swimming thru high water all night.
So I spent the most miserable night on post that I
can remember. Without our dogs, we waded through water as high as our
waist, crawled on top of our little K-9 bunkers, and listened to splashing
all night long. We could only imagine all the cobras, kraits, and bamboo
vipers searching for the high ground that we were occupying. We were all happy when the water
drained away the next day. We would not be alone on post the next
night. Our best friend would be with us.
Most handlers also had a good relationship with their base veterinarian.
Base veterinarians also inspected the military dining halls and the food
serving areas of the clubs on base. They were often able to assist in the
"donation" of food for section parties. I remember one party
with grilled steaks at Đà Nàng AB courtesy of our vet. At Phu
Cat Air Base (1969-70), the base veterinarian would often ride at night with
the K-9 Flight Chief (Shift Supervisor). The kennels would allow him
to carry one of our GAU's (submachine version of the M-16, with
a shorter, heaver barrel for sustained firing, and a collapsible stock). He would
always carry a medical kit. He always seemed concerned about the health of both the handlers
and dogs. When a handler and dog were killed in a relief truck accident
(Early 1970), he reached the scene on
the perimeter before the ambulance arrived and provided first aid to the
handlers. Handlers from other bases have told me similar
stories about their veterinarian.
The DOD Dog Center at Lackland
AFB, TX the Air Force has a fully equipped hospital for the dogs.
In the early 70's, the clinic staff provided medical care for over 600 dogs at a time at the
DOD Dog Center and approximately 200 dogs in training at the Medina Complex. At
that time, the veterinarians at the DOD Dog Center, Lackland
AFB, TX, consisted of a Colonel, a Major, and several Captains. Colonel Paul
Husted (Detachment Commander) was famous for his
love of military dogs, his medical expertise, and his absolute lack of fear
around aggressive dogs. Although he had a full staff of experienced veterinarians assigned to him, he always
treated the dogs with special or rare ailments.
On weekends (when the main clinic was closed), he would often appear
at the hospital. He would give a list of dogs for the kennel attendant to bring in for
examination. The Center had a small group of highly experienced handlers
that transferred dogs between kennels and took dogs to vet appointments.
However they never worked on weekends. The weekend kennel attendants were never
happy to see him, knowing that he would give them a list of dogs to bring in to
the clinic. Instead of having a quite Saturday, they had to
dogs to bring into the clinic. Some dogs would be easy to bring in, some would
not. Their was always the danger of getting bit. No dog liked a trip to
the vet.
When his special dogs were in training at the Medina Annex, he
would come out to the Medina clinic and hold sick
call. He would treat very aggressive dogs without absolutely no regard
for his own personal safety. I witnessed him start to take the muzzle off a sentry dog.
The dog was on the exam table, and growling. I cautioned him, "This a sentry
dog". He continued to unloosen the straps holding the muzzle in place.
I repeated my warning, but added "Colonel, that is a bad
dog". He continued to unloosen the straps. As I stepped back, I
repeated "Colonel, that is a really bad dog". He finally rebuked
me with a stern comment. I moved away from the table, expecting to see a
Colonel get bit by the dog. The
dog stopped growling after the uncomfortable muzzle was removed and stood
still like a friendly puppy. Anyone else touching him would
have been torn apart.
The dog school located in the Pacific (PACAF Military Working
Dog Training Center, Kadena Air Base, Japan) had it's share of good veterinarians
also. In the late 70's, Captain Gary Farwell provided excellent medical
care not only for the military dogs but also the pigs raised on leftover dog
food. The pigs were used for the two or more pig roast held at the school every
year. The cookouts were also attended by Dr Farwell and his veterinary
technician. Prior to his completing vet school and commissioning as an Air Force
Officer, Captain Farwell had been an enlisted sailor on a nuclear
submarine. He wore his Dolphins with pride, even on his hospital scrubs.
Dr. Farwell had entered the Air Force, after completing medical school,
because the US Navy did not have veterinarians.
In the early 1980's the Air Force made major manpower
changes. The USAF veterinarians were phased out and replaced by US
Army personnel. The veterinarians were offered the choice of transferring
to the US Army or retiring if they were eligible. The veterinarian assigned to Andrews AFB, Maryland (a Lt.
Colonel) was replaced with a US Army Captain. I assume that the veterinarian technicians
were retrained to other career fields. If so, this was a loss. The vet
techs. loved the dogs as much as we did.

Photo Above: Sick Call (1965) at Đà Nàng AB Air Base,
Republic of
Vietnam. Handler: Phil Norwich

Photo Above: Teeth Cleaning for Boots 645M
Maj. (Doctor) Frank C Fraunfelter (right), Korat RTAFB Chief
of Veterinary Services and handler A1C John M. Homa (left)
USAF Photo by SSgt Carl Bailey, 601st Photo Flight
Published in Korat's Base Newspaper Dated May 9, 1969
Above Photo: Dr. Clothier (another veterinarian at Korat RTAFB) is
treating Rex 7198. Rex had a hematoma in the right ear, which could result in a floppy
Photo Courtesy of David Adams
Captain James Dale (Veterinarian) & MWD Tarzan