341st Training Squadron is part of the 37th Training Group,
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. It provides trained military working dogs
and handlers for the Department of Defense, other government agencies and
allies through training, logistical, veterinary support, and research and
development for security efforts worldwide.
To us
old-timers, the 341st Training Squadron was once known as the Military
Working Dog Studies Branch, Security Police Academy, and before that,
as the USAF Sentry Dog School.
The times
they are a’ changing…due to changing world conditions the military
working dogs of today must adapt and evolve. New training methods,
scientific and technological advancements have significantly improved the
dog of yesteryear. Just as patrol dogs replaced sentry dogs, it became
evident that the plain ole vanilla patrol dog was no longer up-to-date.
Today’s dog’s capabilities were enhanced so that it can attack and/or
control a whole unit rather than a single individual.
dogs are so advanced none has to rely any longer upon its sense of smell.
Experts now agree that a common head cold can render the dog’s sense of
smell useless. No longer will handlers be forced to carry a large supply
of Kleenex. The emphasis has now shifted toward the dog’s superior
vision, the primary component for the ultimate weapons system.
However as
a dog ages, it’s eyesight can be maintained at the required proficiency
levels with corrected contact lenses. The squadron’s motto is, “We have the technology…the dogs can
be improved.” Several other improvements have been made also, but
these are still classified. Estimated cost of the program will be Six
million Dollars per dog.
Two of
the newest weapons system are available now.
Combat Attack Dog, Version 2006
Combat Attack Dog, Version 2008