Submitting Stories
& Photos
With the help of a few former
handlers, this site has grown. They took a little time and sent me
information about their bases. Unfortunately, several bases have very
little information posted. I still need facts and photos.
I can do some retouching. If you
have a really good photo please scan it and send it. Scan all prints to jpeg's and send as attachments. Please include your name, base, tour dates, etc.
I really
need help in dog names and brand numbers so please check the
lists of dogs for your base. If you sent me a huge number of
photos, I may have only used a few of them. I have limited
space available The total VSPA web site has
1400 pages. We have over 300 pages on the K-9 program in Vietnam
& Thailand.
- Monty Moore,
- Sentry Dog Handler, Đà Nàng AB & Phu Cat AB
- VSPA K-9 Webmaster, Life Member # 500