- History of the PACAF
- Military Working Dog Training
Center (MWDTC)
The PACAF MWDTC had its beginning during 1948 when the idea was born in
the Office of the Provost Marshal, Far East Air Force (FEAF). Discussions
were held between HQ FEAF and USAF concerning the possibility of using
sentry dogs on FEAF installations because of the pilferage loss being
suffered by all bases. In the latter part if 1949, the Provost Marshal
General in Washington advised the Commander, FEAF, that the availability
of Army trained dogs for FEAF utilization would be extremely limited and
recommended that thought should be given to establishing a training center
in the Far East.
On 5 December 1951, HQ FEAF authorized the Far East Air Logistic Force,
Japan, to establish "Project Kennel." On 10 March 1 952,
construction of facilities that included 50 kennels was started at Showa
Air Station, Japan. On 1 7 March 1952, the final arrangements were made
for the purchase of 50 German Shepherd dogs from the Nippon Police Dog
Association, Tokyo, Japan. On 1 April 1952, the first 50 German Shepherd
dogs were purchased in Tokyo. A total of 200 dogs were procured through
the Nippon Police Dog Association during the year.
By virtue of FEAF Regulation 5-8, 16 December 1952, 'Project
Kennel" officially became known as the FEAF Sentry Dog Training
Center at Tachikawa Air Base. The center had the primary mission of
procuring and training sentry does for FEAF-wide assignment as well as
training Air Force sentry dog handlers. On 13 March 1953, construction of
30 new wire kennels was started They were completed in May 1953.
On I July 1957, due to reorganization of the United States Air Force in
the Pacific and Far East Theater, the FEAF Sentry Dog Training Center was
officially designated as the PACAF Sentry Dog Training Center (SDTC). A
new contract for the purchase of 160 dogs was made with the Nipon Police
Dog Association. Only 12 dogs were bought in the Tokyo area in January
1961. This contract was cancelled because of the difficulty in delivering
qualified dogs meeting required specifications. Because of these
difficulties, stateside procurement was initiated.
In February 1961, 70 new temporary kennels were constructed in the
eastern area adjoining the fenced training yard. In May 196i, the first 50
dogs were procured at the Lackland Military Training Center, San Antonio,
Texas, and airlifted to Tachikawa Air Base, Japan on 12 May 1961. On 1
July 1961, the 6100th Support Wing assumed responsibility for the
operation of the PACAF SDTC. In January 1962, the PACAF Sentry Dog
Training Center (SDTC) received
authorization to procure dogs from military personnel and Department of
Defense civilians in the PACAF area 'The center was eventually moved to
Showa Air Base, Japan when Tachikawa was turned back over to the Japanese
government. Japanese handlers were used to pre-train dogs that reduced the
TDY time needed by military students.
While in Japan the Center trained approximately 4,000 sentry dogs for
all US Forces in the Pacific command. The mainland Japan location was
outgrown due to the rapid buildup of Vietnam K-9 sections, starting in
1965. In FY 65, 49 handlers and 150 dogs were trained. In FY 66, 150
handlers and 171 dogs were trained. In the first half of FY67, 160
handlers and 156 dogs were trained.
Photos Above: Old and New Kennels at Showa Air Base,
This early type of kennels known as bird cage. The dog wears a
thick leather collar and is chained to the post supporting
the dog house. A bed of gravel provides a mud free area with good
drainage. These kennels were also safer for the handler, no gate to
open or close. Sentry dogs by nature did not readily accept new
handlers. In many cases getting in and out of a fenced in kennel was a
challenge (Personal Experience). The dog school at Lackland used this type until the mid
70’s. Junior classes would move into the permanent kennels as senior
classes graduated. At this time Lackland had a classes graduating and
a new class starting each week.
History PACAF School # 2