Page 2: History of
Working Dogs ,
At the beginning of the program dogs of acceptable breeds from one to
five years old were taken. It was soon found that dogs of five years were
too old to begin their training so the maximum procurement age was lowered
first to three and one half years and then to two in the fall of 1944 when
most of the dogs were being trained for tactical service. Requirements
called for animals of neutral color such as gray, tan, or salt and pepper.
Those with extensive white or buff markings were unacceptable as too
conspicuous. Specifications as to size and weight varied over the years,
but by the fall of 1944 the acceptance height range was from 20 to 26
inches at, the shoulder and the weight from 40 to 80 pounds, except for
sled and pack dogs which could weigh more.
The elaborate regional organization of Dogs for Defense, its many
enthusiastic volunteer workers, and the fact that widespread publicity had
acquainted virtually all dog owners with its objectives made it an ideal
agency for obtaining the donation of animals, On receiving an offer of a
dog, the nearest regional office sent out a questionnaire to ascertain
whether the animal met the specifications for military service. If such
appeared to be the case, the dog was inspected and given a preliminary
physical examination. Only about 40 percent of the animals passed this
test. These were forwarded to the war dog reception and training centers
for a more thorough inspection, classification, and training, In general,
Dogs for Defense was able to maintain a fairly even flow of animals, On
some occasions, however there were more student handlers at the centers
than could be provides with dogs, and it was suggested that the animals be
obtained before the men.
Dogs for Defense served as the procurement agency for the Corps until
March 1945, when its officials asked to be relieved of this
responsibility. At that time the Quartermaster Corps set up its own
organization for dog procurement. During its 3 years of operation, Dogs
for Defense obtained approximately 18 000 dogs through donations.
Purchases of sled and pack dogs had been made earlier by the Quartermaster
Corps. Thus a total of approximately 20,000 dogs were procured during the
war. Of these only slightly more than 10,000 finished training for some
form of war work, the others being disqualified for one reason or another.
Undersize, disease, temperamental defects, inferior scenting powers, and
extreme excitability under the influence of noise or gunfire were the
principal causes for rejection.
A highly specialized program for training both dogs and their handlers
was set up by the Remount Branch through the cooperation of technical
experts of the Military Training Division Office of The Quartermaster
General, and leading dog trainers in the country. Of basic significance
was the development of a comprehensive plan whereby dogs and handlers
could be trained together as a team for sentry or tactical work for the
effectiveness with which the animals performed their duties depended not
only upon the thoroughness of their own training but upon that of their
masters as well,
Student handlers were drawn not only from the Quartermaster Corps but
also from civilian plants, the Coast Guard, the Navy and other sources
requisitioning dogs. When their instruction had been completed, the
students, then full-fledged handlers accompanied their dogs to using units
or agencies and were responsible for their care, housing and feeding as
well as their handling. Inasmuch as a dog worked best with the man
recognized as master the policy was to keep the dog and his handler
together if feasible throughout their military, careers. Moreover, no one
but the master was authorized to feed, pet, or handle the dog on the
theory that the animal otherwise would soon regard all persons as friends
and become a mere mascot.
Originally, training activities were conducted in the ratio of one man
per eight sentry dogs. It soon became evident however, that man and dogs
would both be better instructed if the ratio was one man to four dogs and
this change was made early in December 1942. A few months later when the
Coast Guard expressed a wish for attack dogs provision was made for
teaching two and even only one guardsman to one dog, As a result more
handlers were trained for the Coast Guard than for the Army, 2,662 men
being instructed for the former and 2,169 for the latter.
Attempts were made to standardize training methods insofar as possible.
Conditions varied considerably, however and adjustments had to be made in
accordance with the number and quality of men and dogs to be trained, the
number and quality of instructors, the availability of facilities, and the
time that could be allotted. Sentry dogs could be trained in about 8 week,
but other types usually required approximately 12 weeks.
Normally the first month was devoted to basic training intended to
develop patterns of behavior fundamental in all war dogs, and to determine
their classification for specialized service. They learned to obey verbal
commands and gestures and were accustomed to muzzle and gas mask, to
riding in cars and trucks, and to working under gunfire. Meanwhile, the
student handlers learned about grooming feeding, and kenneling, and about
the capabilities and limitations of dogs. They also learned the value of
Upon completing basic training, each dog was given specialized
instruction to prepare him for his Specific mission. He was selected for a
particular type of training on the basis of his aptitudes and abilities.
Although experimentation was carried on early in the war for the use of
dogs for other purposes, only five types were actually trained and issued
to using agencies. These were sentry, sled and pack , messenger, mine
detector, and scout dogs.
Sentry dogs worked chiefly on leash and required less instruction than
other types but were required to be moderately intelligent, willing and
aggressive. Attack dogs, which were included in the category of sentry
dogs, were taught not merely to warn of the presence of a stranger by
growling or barking, but also to work off leash and attack on command or
provocation. It was necessary that they possess high intelligence,
willingness energy, and above all aggressiveness. Moreover, they had to be
strong, courageous, and large and heavy enough to throw a man to the
ground. Attack dogs like all sentry dogs were used mostly for interior
guard work. The sentry dog was taught to accompany a military or civilian
guard on patrol in daylight or darkness and give him warning of the
approach or presence of strangers within the area being protected. He
worked on a short leash and was restrained from actually attacking unless
the intruder should threaten his master. The animal at first was taught to
become aggressive and pugnacious. Later the handler assumed the role of a
sentry to familiarize the animal with the conditions under which he would
work. During this phase of instruction the dog was schooled to detect the
presence of any stranger in the neighborhood, The aggravator hid in
ditches, behind fences or boxes, in tall grass, and in trees.
Only those dogs exhibiting exceptional qualifications could be trained
for tactical use, scouting with combat Patrols and carrying messages.
The Scout dog, trained to work with combat units and give silent
warning of the presence of a strange individual or group was preferably a
strong dog of medium size and quiet disposition. He was required to have
acute hearing, highly developed sensitive powers, and ability to detect
Loyalty was the quality most desired in the messenger dog since he was
motivated by the desire to please two masters between whom he carried
messages. He also had to possess great speed, stamina, strength,
endurance, ability to swim and superior powers of scenting and hearing.
Unlike most other types, messenger dogs were not required to look for
trouble, and hence it was desirable that they have a suspicious rather
than an aggressive nature.
Experiments in the use of dogs for other military purposes were carried
on, but it was 1944 before other types were trained on any sizeable scale.
Of the 10,425 dogs trained at the war dog centers during World War II,
nearly 9,300 were for sentry duty. The Coast Guard utilized approximately
one-third of these as shown in the following table.
Type and Number of Dogs Trained
Type of Dog |
Trained for Army |
Trained for
Coast Guard |
Sentry |
6,121 |
3,174 |
Scout |
571 |
0 |
Sled and pack |
263 |
0 |
Messenger |
151 |
0 |
Mine detection |
140 |
0 |
Trained sentry dogs were issued by the Quartermaster Corps to hundreds
of military installations of various types, such as coastal
fortifications., harbor defenses, arsenals, ammunition dumps, airfields,
and depots as well as to industrial plants. Although many civilian
establishments which were engaged in the production of military items
employed one or more dogs to help guard their plants, the bulk of the
animals trained by the Corps were utilized by the armed services. At the
height of enemy submarine activities the largest group of sentry dogs was,
of course that attached to the Coast Guard beach patrols guarding the long
stretches of shoreline along the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the
Pacific. The Coast Guard came to prefer that type of sentry dog called the
attack dog because he was more fully trained. Animals of this type were
assigned to the Coast Guard in the summer of 1943 just before that agency
initiated a large-scale training program of its own.
Reports from military installations and civilian establishments using
sentry dogs were on the whole, favorable. The generally satisfactory
nature of the services the dogs performed was demonstrated by the small
number of using agencies which abandoned their employment and by the large
number of requisitions for additional animals. Failure to obtain
satisfactory results usually occurred when the dogs were handled by
constantly changing or inexperienced personnel. In many instances the use
of dogs made it possible to reduce the number of human sentries and at the
same time increase the efficiency of patrols, particularly when the post
covered a large area. The dogs enhanced the efficiency of protective work
both by supplementing man's limited powers of hearing and smelling with
their own superior senses and by enabling a more thorough search to be
made for intruders in stacked supplies, in holes, in ditches, and in other
places not readily accessible to man.
Shift in Emphasis to Tactical Dogs
By early 1944 the war dog program had begun to undergo extensive
changes. With the gradual abatement of the submarine menace after mid-1943
and the eventual lifting of the blackout, the need for guarding coast
lines and zone of interior installations steadily decreased. Consequently
the demand for sentry dogs became progressively smaller and more of these
animals were being returned to the training centers than were being
issued. A few of the sentry dogs were detrained and returned to their
owners, some were sent overseas for sentry- duty and others were retained
for tactical service with units in the theaters where demand for dogs in
combat became more urgent, particularly in the Pacific. Eventually all
dog-training activities were centralized at Fort Robinson and more
attention was devoted to instruction of tactical dogs and their handlers.
In the absence of any definite policy on the part of the Army Ground
Forces regarding their use the training of tactical dogs in 1942 and 1943
was necessarily limited and experimental, Military officers generally were
unfamiliar with the possible utilization of these animals in combat and
rather skeptical of their value. There also was a widespread belief that
they could not be sent to tropical areas on account of the large variety
of diseases and parasites likely to attack them. The few animals that had
been trained for tactical work therefore were employed chiefly for tests
or demonstration purposes. The instruction of even these dogs was
seriously handicapped at first by the scarcity of trainers experienced in
teaching scout and messenger work; most of the men with foreign experience
in schooling war dogs were engaged in other essential work.
Moreover, preliminary reports on the use of scout and messenger dogs in
North Africa by the British in 1942 and 1943 had indicated that their work
was unsatisfactory. According to observers the animals were easily
frightened and confused by artillery fire those doing scout work losing
their sense of direction and neglecting to smell out the enemy. While
ordinarily giving good service on short patrols messenger dogs also were
affected adversely by heavy gunfire, It was suggested, however that,
though conditions in North Africa might preclude their successful
employment in that region in close country such as the islands of the
South Pacific they would have a very definite use in guarding lines of
communication and particularly in detecting infiltrating troops.
As a precautionary measure in the event the Army might find valuable
uses for tactical dogs, the Quartermaster Corps continued to train them in
small numbers, emphasis being placed upon scout and messenger dogs. The
War Department General Staff decided in the Spring of 1943 to send a
detachment of six scout and two messenger dogs overseas to operate with
troops in the Pacific as a test of their value under combat conditions.
When our Army decided to train dogs for tactical purposes, it was found
necessary to seek assistance in developing doctrine from our allies, since
there were no trainers in this country qualified to develop such doctrine.
The British sent over the Director of their War Dog Training School.,
Captain John B. Garle, together with two non-commissioned officers
(handlers) and four dogs, an a sort of "leash-lend basis".
Captain Garle arrived in the United States on I February 1943, He
proceeded with his entourage to the War Dog Reception and Training Center
at Beltsville, Maryland, where he demonstrated his messenger and scout
dogs to officers interested. So successful were these demonstrations that
Captain Garle was sent on a tour of all Quartermaster War Dog Reception
and Training Centers to indoctrinate our trainers in his methods.
Scout and Messenger Dogs
Reports received from the Southwest Pacific on the experiments with
scout and messenger dogs were on the whole highly favorable. The observer
with the dogs in New Guinea reported that in the period between July and
December 1943 the animals were used in the forward and combat areas and
had given "consistently excellent performances". This experience
established the fact that dogs could be employed effectively in tactical
units. He found that scout dogs used in reconnaissance work warned patrols
of the presence of Japanese within ranges varying up to I000 yards
depending upon conditions of open or closed terrain, wind direction,
dampness of ground, and that they could be employed effectively in
amphibious operations to detect the enemy on beaches and in undergrowth
along the shore. He noted that the dogs had no fear of water or travel by
small boats, He reported that messenger dogs demonstrated that they could
cover distances of from 600 to 1,000 yards with great speed over any kind
of terrain and that their chances of getting through were excellent as
they presented small targets. The observer reported that the animals
worked more effectively when the dogs and their handlers were thoroughly
familiar with each other.
On the other hand the observer reported that combat experience revealed
certain weaknesses in the training of dogs, While the dogs had been
conditioned against firing of small arms, most of them had not been
conditioned to withstand the noise of heavy gunfire and as a consequence
their usefulness deteriorated rapidly when suddenly exposed to heavy
artillery action.
As a result of this and similar reports that came in later the program
for training tactical dogs was expanded in 1944 and efforts were made to
overcome the short-comings brought to light by combat experience,
Particular emphasis was placed upon training scout dogs, teaching the
animals be silent at all times and exposing them to simulated battle
noises in the early course of their instruction in order that they might
learn to exhibit no fear or reaction in the presence of heavy gunfire.
Since the function of scout dogs was to give silent warning of the
approach of any enemy they were trained for use principally with
reconnaissance and combat patrols at outposts. Their chief tasks were to
warn of ambushes or attempts at infiltration. Though the distance at which
they were able to give warning depended upon a number of factors, such as
the ability of the master to understand his dog, wind direction and
velocity, volume or concentration of human scent humidity, and denseness
or openness of country the dogs usually could detect the presence of
enemies long before the men became aware of them. When operating with
reconnaissance or combat groups, the dog and his master proceeded a short
distance in advance of the patrol, following the general direction
indicated by the patrol leader., but moving so as to take advantage of
wind and other conditions favoring the dog's power of scenting. Upon the
dog's warning of a hostile presence the master immediately signaled the
patrol leader, who in turn issued instructions as to the course of action
to be taken. At outposts the dog and his master remained at a fixed
position a short distance from the unit to which they were attached and
the animal was taught to be alert while stationary.
The initial stages of instruction were similar to those employed in
training sentry dogs, but the scout dog was taught not to bark or growl,
and more emphasis was placed upon accustoming the animal to heavy gunfire.
Since the dog was expected to discover an alien presence partly by his
ability to detect wind-blown scent and partly by his extraordinarily keen
hearing, instruction was aimed at stimulating him to employ these natural
endowments. The dog was trained to detect human scent as a bird dog is
trained to detect hidden birds. When he "winded the enemy" he
signified his discovery by "freezing" stiffening his body,
raising his hackles, pricking his ears and holding his tail rigid.
Messenger dogs usually were used in connection with scout dogs and were
trained to deliver field communications from a scouting patrol to the
scouting headquarters or from an advanced position to the rear. In
contrast to scout dogs, two handlers were employed for the messenger dog,
for, since he had to run between two points, it was necessary to place at
each point a master to whom he was loyal,, This feeling was fostered by
having each handler take equal turns at teaching and feeding the animal.
At first the training was carried on in an enclosed area but later over
rough terrain and crossing streams. In the latter phase of his instruction
the dog was accustomed to the confusion of moving troops and simulated
battle noises. The two masters alternated their positions and frequently
hid themselves, never using the same place of concealment twice. The dog
was taught to locate them by body scent. When he was successful, lavish
praise was given him as his reward.
Mine Detection Dogs
During the African Campaign, non-metallic land mines were first
utilized by the enemy. Mechanical mine detectors proving ineffective
against them, it became vitally important to discover a counter-measures.
One of our answers to the enemy's new weapon was the M-dog (mine detection
Dogs had been employed for this purpose prior to the invention and use
of non-metallic mines; although armies of all nations (exception ours)
were aware of their value as sentries, messengers scouts and as aids to
the Medical Corps in finding wounded it was not until necessity arose for
a reliable method of detecting plastic and wooden mines that the
suggestion was made that dogs might be trained to use their instinct for
finding buried bones for finding buried objects of less innocence.
The first mine detection unit was ordered activated in November 1943.
The M-dog was taught to detect buried objects of all kinds in order that
he could be used in discovering metallic and more particularly
non-metallic mines, anti-tank and anti-tank personnel mines, trip wires
and booby traps. He was taught to indicate the position of a buried mine
by sitting down from one to four paces from the concealed objects. If he
detected a trip wire or booby trap he was trained to halt or refuse to
advance. Properly trained dogs, it was hoped, would not advance over any
type of mine or trap. If this objective could be achieved M-dogs could
help men locate mines, determine whether a mine field could be by-passed,
and clear a path through a field if it could not be skirted.
The training of an M-dog was based on arousing the emotion of fear and
instinct of self preservation. A light electric charge was concealed in
the trap and the dog was shocked when he came in contact with it. This was
done to teach him that there were objects in the ground which would hurt
him. When he had learned this, his fear of being injured made it possible
to teach him to shun objects foreign to the terrain and to rely on all his
senses in trying to detect them.
The enthusiasm with which this training began later turned to
disappointment. Only two war dog mine detection units were activated and
trained. Both were sent to North Africa, where the animals failed to prove
their proficiency in locating mines when used on typical German mine
fields. The dogs had been tested in the United States and pronounced
excellent detectors but when tried out in North Africa under battlefield
conditions they fell far short of attaining the standard of efficiency
that had been established by the Corps of Engineers. In two tests in
September 1944 the dogs located only 51 and 48% respectively of the mines
planted. Inasmuch as the discovery of at least 90% was considered
essential to make a method of mine detection practicable, it was decided
not to employ the dogs. Both units were deactivated and mine-dog training
was discontinued.
Establishment of War Dog Platoons
Except for the two experimental Engineer mine dog detection units, the
initial issues of dogs and handlers trained for duty overseas were casual
detachments. It was not until March 1944 that the War Department
authorized the establishment of Quartermaster war dog platoons and issued
special Tables of Organization and Equipment (T/O & E) for that
purpose. Originally a platoon consisted of twelve scout dogs twelve
messenger dogs, one mine detection dog, one officer and twenty-six
enlisted men. Three months later, however, on the basis of early theater
experience, the mine detection dog was eliminated and the number of scout
dogs was increased to eighteen, while the number of messenger dogs was
reduced to six and the number of enlisted men to twenty. Fifteen
Quartermaster war dog platoons were activated and trained in 1944, and all
were shipped overseas. Seven of them saw service in Europe and eight in
the Pacific.
These platoons were unique in that they served with infantry units and
engaged in tactical operations in the combat areas yet the Quartermaster
Corps supplied and trained not only the dogs but the handlers as well. The
men were expert in directing the work of the dogs but the fact that many
of the handlers were physically unfit for combat service and had had no
experience in infantry tactics, scouting, and patrolling proved to be a
serious defect. Another weakness of the early platoons was the failure to
give them advanced training with Army Ground Forces units of the kind with
which they were to be associated.
To correct these deficiencies the War Department transferred the
responsibility for the activation, training and preparation of the dog
units for overseas movement to the Amy Ground Forces later in 1944.
This meant that handlers were to be selected by the Army Ground Forces
from men who had been trained in infantry tactics and scouting and that
the units would be given advanced instruction with infantry organizations.
The Quartermaster General however, retained responsibility for the
procurement, basic training, and issue of dogs and handlers.
A concurrent development was the decision to revise the T/O & E and
eliminate all messenger dogs from the platoons "Since combat reports
indicate that this type dog has proved neither as desirable nor as
essential as the silent scout dogs." The new T/O & E, released in
December 1944, changed the name of the units to infantry scout dog
platoons and provided that each was to consist of 27 scout dogs.
Between December 1944 and the spring of 1945 the fifteen Quartermaster
war dog platoons were redesignated as infantry scout dog platoons and
reorganized to conform with the new T/O & E. During 1945 the Army
Ground Forces activated and trained six infantry scout dog platoons. Five
of these however, did not complete their training until shortly after V-J
Day and consequently were not sent overseas. Thus all but one of the war
dog platoons that saw service in the war were activated and trained by the
Quartermaster Corps.
At first the war dog program was conducted largely as an experiment to
determine which, if any, types of militarily trained dogs might be of
value to the Army in modern warfare. Numerous uses for the animals had
been envisioned by dog fanciers but after extensive tests the
Quartermaster Corps actually trained and issued dogs for only five types
of duties. Of these, pack and sled mine detection and messenger dogs
proved of slight service either because of superior facilities afforded by
the latest mechanical devices or because of limitations on the part of the
animals themselves. The training of mine detection dogs was discontinued
completely after tests in North Africa revealed they had no practical
value. Opinion was divided concerning the usefulness of messenger dogs.
Some observers reported excellent results under certain conditions but
their use proved quite limited and the War Department eventually
eliminated them from war dog platoons.
The two types of dogs for which a real need was demonstrated were
sentry dogs and silent scout dogs. The former proved of outstanding
assistance in guarding Army and Navy installations both in the zone of
interior and in the theaters of operations. But insofar as tactical
service was concerned, the silent scout dog alone survived the severe
tests to which the animals were put in World War II. Scout dog platoons
which emerged in the latter part of the war were found to be "a
capable and valuable adjunct when properly trained and used."
The experimental nature and limited success of the war dog program is
reflected in statistics. Although approximately 20,000 of the animals were
procured only about half of that number were trained and issued by the
Quartermaster Corps, and fewer than 1,900 of these were shipped overseas.
It was late in 1944 before scout dogs were being sent to the theaters in
any sizable numbers, and by the end of the war only 436 had been shipped
abroad, as shown in the following table:
Total Number of Dogs Used
in WW II
Type of Dog |
Total Trained |
Assigned In US |
Shipped Overseas
Sentry |
9,295 |
8,396 |
Scout |
571 |
135 |
Sled & Pack |
268 |
0 |
Messenger |
151 |
0 |
Mine Detection |
140 |
0 |
Total |
10,425 |
8,531 |
These figures fail to give an accurate representation of the
comparative military value of the various types of dogs, for, in contrast
to all other types, the demand for scout dogs was increasing in the
closing months of the war and plans were launched in the summer of 1945 to
recruit at least 1,600 more of the animals for scout work in the Pacific.
Though requirements were relatively small, when a real need arose for
scout dogs there was no substitute for their particular capabilities. At
the same time, there were various conditions and circumstances under which
the dogs were unable to perform satisfactorily, and consequently it was of
vital importance that the handlers be acutely aware of the limitations of
the animals as well as their abilities. It was equally important that the
dogs be thoroughly schooled in their duties and their handlers be well
trained in scouting, patrolling, and minor tactics.
Reports received from overseas during and immediately following the war
gave ample evidence that while many satisfactory results were obtained
from the use of scout dogs in the war against Germany, these animals were
employed much more effectively in the islands of the Pacific. The dense
tropical vegetation and the semidarkness of the jungles even at midday
afforded the Japanese excellent opportunities to infiltrate behind the
American lines and conduct reconnaissance. Such hostile operations could
not easily be detected by ordinary patrols. When dogs accompanied these
patrols they were able to detect and give silent warning of the enemy long
before the men became aware of them. The dogs could also be used to good
advantage in mountainous areas, in river bottoms, and in heavily wooded
The presence of the animals with patrols greatly lessened the danger of
ambush and tended to boost the morale of the soldiers. Personnel who used
the dogs stated that they saved many lives and were enthusiastic over
their value. It was noted that where a dog was present on a patrol there
was a feeling of security and relief from the nervous tension caused by
fear of an ambush. This enabled the patrols to operate more efficiently
and cover greater distances.
The fighting on Morotai in the Netherlands East Indies Illustrates the
manner in which scout dogs could be used to maximum benefit, There the
enemy offered at first but slight resistance retreating into the
mountainous jungles of the interior and then sallying forth in small
groups to harass the Americans. In patrol operations designed to uncover
Japanese bivouac areas, supply dumps, and lines of communications, the
26th War Dog Platoon proved invaluable. During the period 17 September
--10 November 1944, the dogs made more than one hundred patrols with
infantry troops ranging from a patrol of five men to a rifle company of
two hundred or more. The Commander of the 155th Infantry Regiment reported
that the dogs never failed to alert at less than 75 yards and not a single
casualty was suffered while a scout dog was being employed. The ability of
the dog to pick up enemy bivouacs, positions, patrols, troop
reconnaissance, etc, long before our patrol reached them frequently
enabled our troops to achieve surprise and inflict heavy casualties on the
In the war against Germany conditions generally were unfavorable to
widespread use of dogs. Scout dogs in two platoons operating with the
Fifth Army in Italy in the autumn of 1944 were reported to have been
extremely gun shy under artillery fire. This was a major weakness of most
of the dogs assigned to the early platoons as they were trained to become
accustomed only to the firing of small arms. Later, the training program
was adjusted to overcome this failing, but it was never found particularly
advantageous to use the animals in heavy combat. More and more their
activities were restricted to duty with reconnaissance patrols.
Other reports from Italy stated that in open country the scout dogs
were so conspicuous that the enemy discovered them before they could
alert. In the mountains, in which so much of the fighting was waged, soft,
deep snow and steep slippery trails prevented the dogs from working
satisfactorily. Likewise, the animals were found to be of little use in
heavy rains and deep mud. But on a static front, when the weather was
clear with no snow or mud on the ground, or when there was a firm crust on
the snow, scout dogs could be employed advantageously. After the final
offensive against Germany began the rapid movement of troops and the
occasionally intense gunfire made the utilization of dogs for scouting
impractical, and they were used instead as sentries.
That scout dogs did perform valuable service in the European Theater as
well as in the Pacific is illustrated by one experience of the 33rd
Quartermaster War Dog Platoon while serving with the Sixth South African
Division of the Fifth Army in Italy. On the night of 20 December 1944 a
small reconnaissance patrol led by one of the dogs of the platoon and his
handler, Corporal Robert Bennett, left a forward outpost to investigate a
village approximately a mile inside enemy territory.
A few hundred yards into the enemy territory the dog halted suddenly.
Not yet sure of the scent he advanced a few steps then halted again, this
time every hair bristling, his nose pointed straight ahead. The patrol
leader crept cautiously forward alone and not more than 200 yards away
discovered a large group of German soldiers in ambush. With this valuable
information the patrol returned to the outpost where they called for
mortar fire to wipe out the enemy position.
Evaluation of War Dog
Although the results of much of the war dog program during World War II
were negative these undoubtedly were outweighed by the positive results.
The best evidence of this was the fact that the War Department authorized
scout dog platoons in the postwar Military Establishment. For the first
time in its history the Army recognized that dogs possessed sufficient
tactical value to justify their inclusion among the regular peacetime
Recognition of War Dogs
A number of war dogs trained by the Quartermaster Corps established
outstanding records overseas. At least one member of the "K-9
Corps" was awarded the Silver Star and the Purple Heart by an
overseas command. Both were later revoked as contrary to an Army policy
which prohibited official commendation for outstanding performance by
animals. In January 1944, the War Department relaxed restrictions in this
regard however and permitted publication of commendations in individual
unit General Orders. Later approval was granted for issuance by The
Quartermaster General of citation certificates to donors of war dogs that
had been usually helpful during the war. The first issued were in
recognition of the work of eight dogs comprising the first experimental
unit in the Pacific Area.
Some Outstanding Dogs
CHIPS, Brand Number 11A. was a member of a War Dog Detachment,
the first to be sent overseas from the United States. He was donated by
Edward J. Wren of Pleasantville, New York. CHIPS was received at the War
Dog Training Center, Front Royal, Virginia, early in 1942. He returned to
Front Royal on 20 October 1945, from which point he was discharged on 10
December 1945.
CHIPS was assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division at Camp Pickett,
Virginia in October 1942 then staging for overseas and served with it for
the duration. Leaving this country, serving through the Algerian-Moroccan
and Tunisian Campaigns, his assignments included sentry duty at the
Roosevelt-Churchill Conference in January 1943.
He went with his Division to Sicily arriving there on 10 July 1943.
Following the Sicilian campaign he moved with his unit to Italy, arriving
there on 18 September 1943 and served through the Naples-Foggia and the
Rome-Arno Campaigns; he moved with his unit to Southern France, arriving
there on 15 August 1944 and served through the French, Rhineland and
Central European Campaigns.
During these campaigns he served with the following units of the 3rd
Division: Company I. 30th Infantry; Headquarters, and Military Police.
Although trained for and serving on sentry duty while in Sicily he was
reported by Company I as having attacked an enemy machine gun crew in a
pillbox after he had broken away from his handler, seizing one man and
forcing the entire crew of four to surrender. Also he was credited by his
units with having been directly responsible for the capture of numerous
enemy soldiers by alerting to their presence.
In recognition of his service, the Theater Forces awarded him the
Silver Star and the Purple Heart, both later revoked as contrary to Army
policy. His Unit unofficially awarded him the Theater Ribbon with the
arrowhead for an assault landing and a Battle Star-for each of the eight
campaigns in which he participated.
TEDDY, Brand Number T115, In October 1943 the War Dog Unit of which
TEDDY was a member was reassigned to a Marine Raider Regiment of the Sixth
Army. Traveling by plane, the dog and his handler went to another staging
area. In December, the Raiders moved to Finschafen to take part in the
Cape Gloucester operations in the South Pacific. The entire dog detachment
went ashore with the first wave and figured prominently in the operations.
Until March, the dog was used continuously for patrol and messenger work.
Lines were gradually extended to make contact with the Army Forces near
Gilnit, In these weeks, there was not a single instance in which any of
the dogs failed to accomplish a mission, nor was there an instance when a
patrol led by a war dog was fired upon first or suffered casualties. In
contrast, dogless patrols suffered casualties usually as a result of
ambush or surprise attacks. During this period, the patrols led by dogs
were officially credited with 180 Japanese casualties and 20 prisoners.
SANDY, Brand Number B11. SANDY was a natural selection for messenger
training. Handled by Sgt. Guy C. Sheldon and Sgt. Menzo J, Brown, yeoman
service was contributed throughout the Cape Gloucester Campaign. His
outstanding performance was carried out during the advance on the
airstrips. Near Turzi Point, the advance units were held up by Japanese
pillboxes and fortifications and aid of the artillery could not be sought
by the walkie-talkies which were temporarily out of commission. A message
was dispatched by Sgt. Brown back to the Battalion Command Post through
SANDY. Although the dog had not seen Sgt. Sheldon since the night before
and he was then in a new location SANDY unerringly found his way to Sgt.
Sheldon's foxhole. The dog had to travel through the tall Kunai grass,
swim a river, and for part of the distance make his way beneath a curtain
of mortar and tank fire and finally jump a barbed wire fence that
protected Sgt. Sheldon. As a result of this message artillery fire was
directed on the Japanese defenses pulverizing them and permitting the
American forward units to resume their advances.
DICK, Brand Number T127. DICK and his handler, Sgt. Herman H. Boude,
patrolled 48 days out of 53 and scarcely a day passed without his alerting
to Japanese in numbers varying from single stragglers attempting to rejoin
their units to entire platoons. In no instance did DICK fail to warn of
the enemy in time to allow him to be either killed or captured in a
surprise attack. Once while on patrol, the scouting party was warned of
the enemy's presence by DICK'S alerting; by quartering the patrol
discovered a camouflaged bivouac of five huts indicating it to be the only
inhabited one. This proved to be the case when a surprise attack was made
in which four Japanese were annihilated without a single casualty.
BOBO, Brand Number Z303. BOBO and his handler, Sgt. John Coleman, led a
reconnaissance patrol safely into German-held territory. Their mission
accomplished the patrol started back to their own lines. Scarcely a
hundred yards from the outpost, BOBO alerted sharply and definitely
straight ahead then to the left, then to the right. A German patrol was in
the act of surrounding the outpost so a scout was sent on to warn the man
who were holding it. The enemy was dispersed, and the patrol proceeded
back to Headquarters.
SILVER, Brand Number A595. SILVER was killed in action 17 February 1945
in a foxhole by enemy hard grenade. She was responsible for preventing
serious casualties by alerting prior to a bayonet attack.
PEEFKE, Brand Number T133. PEEFKE was killed in action by a direct hit
from an enemy hand grenade on 20 March 1945. Members of the patrol on
which he was killed commended him highly. Prior to his death on this
patrol he discovered a wire and alerted his handler who, upon examination
of the wire, found three enemy "S" mines, which were then
neutralized, These mines, had they not been discovered, could have caused
grave damage to the patrol. PEEFKE performed faithful service throughout
his tour of duty.
PAL, Brand Number 8M2. PAL was killed by enemy action on the 23rd of
April 1945 at San Benedetto Po, Italy. In blocking a shrapnel charge with
his own body PAL prevented the serious wounding of several men. His body
absorbed the shrapnel destined to wipe out the advance patrol.
BUSTER, Brand Number A684. While operating an a messenger dog with
"F" Company 155th Infantry Regiment on Morotai Island, BUSTER
was directly responsible for saving the lives of an entire patrol
consisting of seventeen men.
His determined effort carried him through heavy enemy machine gun and
mortar fire on a total of two trips, bringing instructions for the patrol
to hold its position at all costs. He was thus responsible for
reinforcements which accounted for the destruction of an entire enemy
BRUCE, Brand Number T178, During a banzai attack occurring in Northern
Luzon at 0315 hours on 17 February 1945 against "E" Company 27th
Infantry. BRUCE without command voluntarily attacked three Japanese
infantrymen advancing with fixed bayonets towards a foxhole containing two
wounded American soldiers. By his fearless action the lives of the two
wounded men were saved; by discouraging the advance of these particular
Japanese, more casualties were averted.
WOLF, Brand Number T121. WOLF was committed to combat with the 27th
Infantry battling through the Corabello Mountain in Northern Luzon toward
the strategic Balate Pass. While leading an Infantry Patrol he scented the
presence of the enemy entrenched on a hillside about 150 yards distant in
time to allow the members of the patrol to take favorable cover and resist
the attack that was imminent. During the ensuing fire-fight, WOLF received
shrapnel wounds. Showing no sign of pain and determined at all costs to
remain silent, his wound was not detected by surrounding personnel.
Greatly outnumbered and partly encircled by the enemy the patrol decided
to withdraw to insure the delivery to Headquarters of the vital
information they had gained. WOLF on the point of the patrol succeeded on
three different occasions in alerting the patrol, enabling them to bypass
the enemy and return to their camp without a single casualty. In spite of
expert medical care and an emergency operation the 25th Division's
casualty list included among others--WOLF, US Army War Dog, T121, Died of
Wounds - Wounded in action.
DUCHESS, Brand Number 7H74, DUCHESS was a member of the 39th Infantry
Scout Dog Platoon. On 30 April 1945 DUCHESS handled by Sgt. Knight, on
patrol with the 3rd Battalion, 123rd Infantry, was used in the
inspection of enemy cave installations on Luzon in the Philippines. On
approaching a large one, the dog was permitted to go to the entrance. At
this point she gave a strong alert. Grenades were thrown into the cave,
after which the patrol moved on. Investigation the following day revealed
33 Japanese dead in the cave.
On another occasion DUCHESS and Sgt. Knight were on patrol with the
same unit. DUCHESS alerted on some Filipino huts, 800 yards away.
Investigation disclosed the presence of enemy. Mortar and machine-gun fire
were used to kill 9 Japanese.
BLACKIE, Brand Number H24. On 12 and 13 April 1945 while on a
two-day-patrol with Company F, 123rd Infantry, BLACKIE, handled by
Corporal Technician Kido, was used alternately on that point. The patrol
successfully completed its mission without detection by the enemy,
locating an area where 500 Japanese were bivouacked. As patrol was on
reconnaissance, all contact with the enemy was avoided.
Military Working Dogs: History. Page-3.