MWDTC Staff (In Fatigues) & HQ PACAF SP Staff
(In Blue's) Circa 1980In at least two cases, the dogs returned to temporary
active duty. Two dogs were adopted by dog school instructors. They
returned to the school to be handled by student in drug detector dog
classes. The original dogs belonging to the students were eliminated from
the course due to substandard performance. By continuing with the
the students could graduate and return to their bases. They could be
assigned to a trained drug detector dog, and start working. After
completing the courses, the two dogs returned to civilian life. Both dogs
were adopted by MWDTC personnel.
Butch SSD (Small Sniffer Dog) # 56, was
adopted by my wife (SSgt Cathy Moore, MWDTC Instructor) & myself. He was
aggressive but adopted well to home life with us. He returned to active
duty once to assist a handler's whose dog had had not progressed in
training. Butch would go to school with us, and be turned over to his
temporary handler. Butch remembered his days as an AF drug detector dog and
the handler completed his course.
Several years after the start of PACAF's program, the Lackland Dog School researched the concept of training
small breed dogs to determine if poodles, beagles, terriers, and schnauzers
would be better detector dogs. The school purchased registered purebreds dogs
and spent several years training various small breeds as drug or explosive
detector dogs. Nothing came of their test program.
In 1979, a political struggle ensued that eventually led to the end of
MWDTC. A large shipment of dogs arrived from the DOD Dog Center without the
accompanying mandated full sets of dog equipment. DOD Dog Center regulations
stated that each dog would be shipped with one complete set of dog equipment. The DOD Dog Center
was reminded of this via message. The DOD Dog Center
complained about the tone of the message to Headquarters AF Security Police. This became the catalyst for great
changes to PACAF MWDTC. A meeting was held at PACAF HQ to determine the future
of the school. The decision was made to turn the school
over to Air Training Command (ATC).
In late 1980 Representatives from Lackland Air Force Base Dog School arrived
to inspect the Center. The ATC inspectors were not pleased to discover that the
school was not using their Course Materials. The school had rewritten all
materials for the local conditions found in the Pacific area. Request for course
materials from the Lackland Dog School had never been complied with. The
majority of the PACAF MWDTC instructors had taught at the Lackland Dog School
and had adopted their course materials to local conditions.
inspectors were also displeased to discover that the school had been shipping
drugs to all bases in the PACAF area for use in narcotic detector dog training.
The drugs would be shipped to the dog school from other overseas bases that had made
large seizures. The drugs were tested, carefully weighed, and shipped to bases
that needed samples for their drug dogs. Stateside bases procured their training
aids (Drug samples) from DEA sources. The same DEA form that stateside civilian
pharmacies use in ordering prescription drugs was used. The DEA could not ship
drugs to overseas bases. Air Force Headquarters had never provided for drug
training aids for overseas detector dogs. That problem had always been left up
to the individual commands to solve. The PACAF MWDTC has filled the void by both
supplying the substances and by auditing the training aids during yearly staff
assistance visits. We called it a visit, the bases called it an inspection. We provided
a written report to the Security Police unit commander and Headquarters PACAF
Security Police.
The school also had a long tradition of sending
instructors to bases to teach classes that was also not well received by the ATC
Inspectors. The "traveling" dog school courses had been a very cost-effective method
for units to train dog handlers and reduce student-training costs. It was far
less expensive to send one or two instructors to a base than a greater number of
students and their dogs to Kadena. Previously, PACAF MWDTC instructors went to
bases throughout the Pacific area; courses were taught for the US 8th Army at
Camp Carroll, Korea, and the US Navy at Subic Bay, Republic of the Philippines.
The school even taught members of the Honolulu Police Department. Because of
Hawaii's strict quarantine of all dogs arriving it was cheaper to send an
instructor to teach an explosive detector class for one dog than ship the dog to
the mainland.
During one field course taught at Osan AB, Korea, 14 students were trained
from all the in country bases. The bases split the funding for the two
instructors; all the students stayed in the Osan Security Police barracks. Thus,
those drug detector dog teams were available at a minimum cost to the bases.
During the course, the instructors saved 12 Army Sentry Dogs. One afternoon, an
U.S. Army truck loaded with the dogs in shipping crates pulled into the Osan AB
kennels. The dogs were from an Army Air Defense battery that had been turned
over to the Korean military. The dogs were declared excess and were en route to
an Army veterinarian to be put to sleep. Accompanying Army handlers desperately
were searching for an U.S. military kennels that sign the receipt for the dogs
and save them from death. One of the dogs
was less than 2 years old and had been in country less than 6 months.
There was no time for any long distance decisions or approval from the DOD
Dog Center. The senior instructor signed for the dogs; the Osan Kennelmaster offered
extra available kennels for the dogs. The drug dog students volunteered their
free time to retrain the sentry dogs into patrol dogs. Afternoon patrol dog
training commenced after the morning's drug detector training sessions.
Controlled aggression was successfully introduced to the dogs. The dogs were
then assigned to Air Bases in Korea with the longest standing orders (MILSTRIPS)
for patrol dogs from Lackland. Several MILSTRIPS were years old.
The ATC representatives, who inspected the Center, informed us that the dogs
had been the Army's problem and should have been put to sleep. Before ATC
takeover, staff assistance visits had been conducted at all PACAF bases with
dogs. These were not merely the IG-type inspection. Assistance was given to the
kennels to solve problem areas and the Military Working Dog Supervisors Course
was taught at all locations. This course was geared toward the non-dog handler
to ensure proper utilization of dogs.
In early 1981, the PACAF MWDTC was converted to an Air Training Command (ATC)
Field Training Detachment, under the control of the Lackland Dog School. ATC
staff at Lackland AFB, Texas, determined class schedules. Instructors were no
longer allowed to travel to any base and teach classes there. The school was
informed that no exception would be allowed. Under ATC, the school was not
allowed to provide the same previous level of support to PACAF bases. ATC's
stranglehold and policy changes slowly reduced the student load over several
years and enabled the closure of the former training center, citing its
diminished use. Air bases were required to send students back to Lackland for
training, which dramatically increased TDY costs. Bases lacking funding had dogs
sitting idle in the their kennels. Within a few years, ATC had the justification
to close the school.

- Photo Above: PACAF Military Working Dog Training Center,
- Kadena Air Base Japan

- Photo Above: PACAF MWDTC, End of Indoor kennels with kitchen
- in center.
The support building containing two classrooms, administrative office, and
the vet clinic is not seen in this photo.

Photo Above: Lower Training Area, The Quonset Huts
(right background) were also used as the former barracks area for students.
In the late 70's
it was used for detection training and building search by patrol dog
classes. Building in the left background was the kennels belonging
to the Kadena Air Base's Security Police Squadron (18th SPS).
- PACAF Military Working Dog Training
- Kadena Air Base, Japan (Circa Late 70's)

- Photo Above: A young NCO John Probst at the training
center. He is now Colonel Probst. He completed a tour as commander
of the Lackland Dog School, prior to his promotion to Colonel.
This was his second tour at the dog school. His first tour was as an
instructor in the explosive detector dog course in the early 80's..
1966 Security
& Law Enforcement Digest