News from the Sandbox
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to Serve, Sniff
Sensitive Noses No. 1 Weapon Against Bombs
By Christian Davenport
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Rambo sounds the warning as soon
as the kennel door at Bolling Air Force Base creaks open, a
ferocious, thunderous bark as loud and persistent as a jackhammer.
In the next stalls, Rocky goes berserk, spinning in tight circles
like a top, and Jess, ears perked, bounces excitedly up and down.
Then there's Timi. He stays silent, his head bowed, ears bent. He
stands motionless, averting his gaze.
Timi has always been the oddball of the kennel in Southwest
Washington, "the quirky one," said Air Force Staff Sgt. Timothy
Evans, his trainer. The dog is also an Iraq war veteran, and
according to his medical file, he has nightmares "characterized by
violent kicking." His veterinarian says he has had "readjustment
issues" since coming home -- although not severe enough to prevent
him from returning to the field.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan aren't just forcing thousands of
soldiers and Marines to deploy for two and three tours. The
sacrifice is being shared by a key, and growing, part of the U.S.
military: highly trained German shepherds and Belgian Malinois. In a
war with no front lines, they have become valuable at sniffing out
makeshift bombs, which cause most U.S. casualties.
The use of dogs in war, whether as scouts, sentries or trackers,
goes back hundreds of years. But since Sept. 11, 2001, the Defense
Department has increased the number of military dogs from 1,320 to
2,025, and many have served multiple tours.
Some service members say the dogs' ability to sniff out bombs and
insurgents makes them as indispensable as a rifle or flak jacket.
And they believe that the dogs' heroism should be rewarded.
The U.S. War Dogs Association is trying to persuade the Pentagon to
create a medal for dogs. Another group is pushing for a military
working dog memorial in the Washington area. And the Humane Society,
which criticized the Pentagon during the Vietnam War, when many dogs
were left behind or euthanized, has credited the military with
working to find retirement homes for them.
Like new recruits, the dogs enter the military through boot camp,
where they learn the canine version of soldiering: basic obedience
and how to detect explosives, navigate obstacle courses and sneak up
on a house without barking. They are exposed to the rat-tat-tat
of rifles, loud noises and explosions so they can learn to stay cool
under fire. Although they are taught to bite and hold the enemy,
they are not trained to kill, officials said. By the time they are
ready to hit the battlefield, the Pentagon has invested $15,000 in
each dog.
It's impossible to estimate how many lives the dogs have 0saved,
said Master Sgt. Robert Tremmel, manager of the Air Force's working
dogs program at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, where the
dogs -- and dog trainers from different branches of the military --
are initially trained.
In Iraq and Afghanistan, "they're finding ammunition," he said.
"They're finding weapons -- AK-47s and caches and a lot of
unexploded ordnance. . . . They're invaluable."
But there have also been numerous accounts of dogs being used to
intimidate detainees during interrogations in Iraq and elsewhere.
One of the most notorious photos from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal
was of a dog handler holding a dog inches from a detainee's face.
The handler was one of two soldiers convicted of using dogs to
intimidate detainees.
And officials at the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, began using dogs to intimidate detainees during interrogations
in late 2002, after Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld approved
techniques that used "detainees' individual phobias [such as fear of
dogs] to induce stress," according to a military memo Rumsfeld
signed in December 2002.
At Andrews Air Force Base, which has the largest K-9 unit in the
region, two dog teams recently deployed. In addition to military
dogs, 38 contractor dog teams are in Afghanistan and about 140 dogs
across Iraq. Since the 2001 terrorist attacks, 11 military dogs have
been killed in combat, Tremmel said.
Former Air Force Tech Sgt. Harvey Holt and his dog, Jackson,
(officially it's "Jjackson," with the double "J" signifying that he
was bred by the Defense Department) were pinned down by sniper fire
in 2006 while on patrol outside Baquba, north of Baghdad. During a
break in the fire, he took his dog, a Belgian Malinois, through the
field to find the sniper. Jackson picked up a scent, sprinted toward
a bale of hay, jumped in head first and pulled the sniper out by his
calf, Holt said.
Like other handlers, Holt, who is now a police officer in Indiana,
was often attached to many different units, depending on who needed
a canine's special capabilities. As a result, Holt didn't form the
"band of brothers" bonds with other soldiers, but rather with his
dog. On cold nights, they shared a sleeping bag.
"We were two heads poking out of the bag," he said. "If it weren't
for the dog, I probably wouldn't have made it emotionally there. The
bond and trust I had in that dog was more than with any human
being." After Holt handed Jackson off to the next handler, he came
to miss him so much that he got a tattoo of Jackson on his left leg.
During his six-month tour in Iraq last year, Timi, a 5-year-old
German shepherd, found about 100 pounds of explosive material, Evans
said, including a 130mm shell full of homemade explosives.
Timi "is all business," he said. "A real foot soldier." Tough and
no-nonsense, he has always been more reserved than the other dogs.
He took his time eating. He seemed to look at people out of the
corners of his eyes, Evans said, following them. "He's calculating."
But a few months into the deployment, Timi started thrashing about
in his sleep, Evans said.
"It was almost like he was having a seizure in his sleep," Evans
said. "This was not like he was chasing a little bunny rabbit. He
was kicking the . . . kennel down. . . . When I got him out of it,
he'd have that bewildered look, and it would take him a minute to
know where he was. Then he'd fall back asleep, and it would happen
again and again."
For two years, Walter Burghardt, chief of behavioral medicine at the
Department of Defense Military Working Dog Veterinary Service, has
been studying the effects of combat on dogs. Although he doesn't
like to use the term post-traumatic stress disorder with dogs, war
can affect them emotionally, he said. In some cases, antidepressants
have worked, he said, as have more playtime and more time performing
the tasks they were trained to do.
Timi's episodes did not affect his ability to work, which is when he
seemed happiest, Evans said. Since coming home, Timi has shown great
progress, although in the kennel he is more subdued than the others.
Still, Timi is one of the stars at Bolling, and his workload in the
past several months has included trips to Camp David for the former
president, to Paris for the former first lady and to New York in
advance of an appearance by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on the "Late
Show With David Letterman," Evans said.
Now he's on his way back to Iraq, the second of what could be
several tours. Army Capt. Amos Peterson, his veterinarian, signed
off on Timi's ability to deploy.
Air Force Staff Sgt. Brandon L. Gaines, his new handler, said there
is no one he would rather deploy with.
"It's written all over him," he said of Timi. "He's ready to go
Staff writer Josh White contributed to this report.

Marine working dog to receive Purple Heart
The Associated Press
Posted : Friday Feb 1, 2008 6:28:26 EST
QUITMAN, Miss. — Lex, the former bomb-sniffing dog of
the late Marine Cpl. Dustin Lee, will be given a Purple Heart next month
at the Working Dog and Fallen K-9 Handler Tribute.
Eight-year-old Lex was working with Lee when the Marine
was killed during a bombing in Iraq last year. The German shepherd was
also injured. He has since been retired and lives with Lee’s family in
Clarke County, Miss. Lee and Lex had been assigned to the Marine Corps
Logistics Base in Albany, Ga.
The tribute will be Feb. 16 at the Air Armament Museum,
Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. Lee’s family is scheduled to be on hand for
the event.
In December, the Marine Corps announced Lex could go
home to Lee’s family. It is the first time the military has granted a
dog early retirement to be adopted by someone other than a former
The military has more than 1,700 dogs that work
alongside American troops, including about 260 in the Marines. Their
bomb-sniffing skills have been in high demand in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Working Dog Association said dogs have worked with
the military beginning with World War II. The association said three
working dogs and four handlers, including Lee, have been killed in
Dogs of War Play Key Role in Iraq
by Gloria Hillard (National Public Radio)

Photo Above: Sgt. Benjamin Maple visits Arco at the
kennel. He served in Iraq with Arco for two years and says he hopes to
adopt him one day.
March 3, 2008 · About
1,000 of the military personnel who have served on the front lines
of the war in Iraq look quite different from the rest. They are
dogs. Mostly Belgian Malinois and German shepherds, some Labrador
retrievers and golden retrievers, these war canines are trained to
take bullets for their comrades, detect roadside bombs and sniff out
other dangers.
They typically serve the Department of Defense for
10 to 13 years, often with longer and more frequent deployments than
their handlers. Three have been killed this time around in Iraq, and
many more have been seriously wounded. Consequently, they sometimes
need a little R and R. Camp Pendleton in southern California is
where they get it. "They deploy and they come back, that's a
rough time for them and they're stressed out just the way we get
stressed out," explains Marine Sgt. Benjamin Maple, a trainer
at Camp Pendleton's canine unit. At his feet, "Corporal
Jerry," a Belgian Malinois, wags his tail.
Maple has been deployed to Iraq three times. He has
seen a lot, he says, but when he talks about his other dog, Star,
something changes in his eyes. "I almost walked on an IED but
he was ahead of me, he saved my life. He saved the lives of a couple
Marines that were with me," he says. "That dog has seen
more combat, he puts me to shame. I actually named my daughter after
him, I just had a baby girl and I got his name tattooed on my
Challenges of Dog Deployment
Dogs like Star are rotated from handler to handler
throughout the years. The breaking of these well-established bonds
is the toughest part of being in the canine unit, says Lance Cpl.
Justin Granado. "You come back, and they take you off that dog
and put you with another dog, and you spend a lot of time and go
through what you go through. It's tough. He sleeps with you at
night, and you do everything together. It's like taking your best
friend away," he says.
Dogs are not new to battle. Four-legged soldiers and
Marines have served the U.S. military in many capacities since World
War I. The challenge in Iraq, however, is the weather. Blowing sand
and scorching 130-degree heat take a toll on the dogs. "It gets
to the point where a lot of the 'grunts' help out," Maple says.
"You're going on a 10-mile walking patrol, they'll come up —
'Hey, we'll carry some water for your dog.' "
Morale Boost
There is more than explosive-detecting practicality
to the dog forces. Canines can be morale boosters, Maple says.
"It gives them some kind of remembrance of back home, their dog
back home that they haven't seen. And it makes them a little bit
happier," he says. The grassy obstacle course of Camp
Pendleton's canine training unit is a far cry from Iraq or even
Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, where the dogs undergo training.
Camp Pendleton is simply a peaceful intermediary. And soon the dogs
— affectionately assigned ranks above those of their handlers —
will return to Iraq.
Maple has a plan for 80-pound Arco, whom he served
with in Iraq for two years. If and when the dog, currently
recovering from an injury at Pendleton, makes it back from his next
trip to the front lines, he says, he will bring the dog home. If
Arco comes up for adoption, as the dogs usually do, Maple says,
"I'm going to be the first one calling: 'Hey, I want that dog.'

- Elmendorf
AFB K-9 Handler
- receives Bronze Star for Valor
- ELMENDORF AFB, Alaska -- Two members of Team Elmendorf were
recipients of the Bronze Star Medal Dec. 4.
Sgt. Christopher Barker and his military working dog, Jack, and Capt.
Kelley Jeter were awarded the Bronze Star Medal.
Bronze Star Medal is awarded to members of military service for combat
heroism or meritorious service.
recipients of the Bronze Star were a security forces NCO and his
military working dog.

-- Staff Sgt. Christopher Barker, 3rd Security Forces Squadron K-9
handler, shows Jack, a military working dog, appreciation during a
ceremony here Dec. 4. Sergeant Barker and MWD Jack received the Bronze
Star for support they provided while deployed in support of Operation
Iraqi Freedom. Sergeant Barker and Jack were sweeping for a weapons
cache in an Iraqi field in June 2006, when they discovered 2,000 pounds
of explosives buried in eight locations. The cache was set as a trap
with an armed anti-personnel mine. Finding this mine possibly saved the
life of a Soldier. Throughout Sergeant Barker’s and Jack’s
deployment, they conducted more than 350 hours of combat patrols, in
which they located more than 3,000 pounds of explosives, 76 automatic
weapons and 16 cell phones used for IEDs. The Bronze Star is awarded for
bravery, acts of merit, or meritorious service. When awarded for
bravery, it is the fourth-highest combat award of the U.S. Armed Forces
and the ninth highest military award (including both combat and
noncombat awards) in the order of precedence of U.S. military
decorations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jonathan Steffen)
Baker and Jack, 3rd Security Forces Squadron, deployed from May 28
through Oct. 30, 2006, provided more than 350 hours of combat patrols in
support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. They were awarded the Bronze Star
for bravery, the fourth-highest combat honor in the U.S. Armed Forces.
June 7, the team located more than 2,000 pounds of explosives in eight
buried locations. Six weeks later, Sergeant Barker and his MWD responded
to a detonator of timed explosives in one of the third country
national's living quarters.
July 30, the team responded to an IED that detonated on IA personnel.
The IA had engaged and captured four IED members. Sergeant Barker swept
the IED vehicle and located five identification cards. Sergeant Barker
scanned the crowd of bystanders and located the fifth member attempting
to avoid capture by blending into the crowd.
their deployment, Sergeant Barker and Jack discovered more than 3,000
pounds of explosives, nearly 80 automatic weapons and more than 15 cell
phones used to detonate improvised explosive devices.
Sandbox News 2