- From World War II
through today's war against terrorism,
- military dogs have
served the armed forces with bravery and loyalty.
Some of the U.S. military's most selfless heroes
never held official rank. During World War II, the Korean War, and the
Vietnam War and still today, they have provided aid and comfort to our
fighting forces, performed all manner of hazardous duty, and even given
their lives to protect others. Yet very few have received medals for their
heroism, and most remain forgotten except by those who served with them.
These remarkable soldiers are military working dogs,
and they're still an essential part of this nation's armed forces with 1,355
dogs currently serving at 184 American bases worldwide.
The use of military dogs is as old as warfare
itself. The ancient Greeks and Romans kept dogs chained up outside their
cities to warn of advancing enemy troops, sent them forward to attack the
enemy during battle, and used them in close-quarters fighting. During the
Middle Ages, dogs often were equipped with armor and used to defend
By the early 20th century, most European armies
relied heavily on dogs. During World War I, Germany, France, and Belgium
employed dogs as sentries, scouts, couriers, and even transportation. The
United States tentatively explored the use of military working dogs toward
the end of World War I, but it wasn't until World War II that the animals'
value truly was realized.
At the beginning of that war, dogs were limited to
Coast Guard submarine patrol and guard duty at military installations and
defense plants. But things changed quickly in the summer of 1942 when
Secretary of War Henry Stimson ordered all branches of the military to
investigate the use of military working dogs. Within months, dogs of all
types were enlisted as guards, messengers, mine sniffers, and even medics.
These canine soldiers faced many of the same
battlefield dangers as their fellow uniformed service members and often
acted with remarkable bravery. In 1943, for example, an Army German shepherd
named Chips attacked an enemy pillbox in Sicily and took four startled
prisoners. Chips was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart for his valor.
The medals later were revoked because of complaints that awarding service
medals to a dog diminished their prestige.
Military working dogs also have been credited with
saving countless American lives during the Vietnam War, where every clump of
shrubs or turn in the road meant possible danger. Indeed, these military
working dogs' sensing abilities remain legendary. Handlers came home with
remarkable stories of their dogs having heard the nearly imperceptible
whoosh of a breeze passing over a hair-thin trip wire of a booby trap or
having smelled enemy guerillas hidden deep in underground tunnels. The dogs
were so effective at protecting American service members that the Vietcong
offered handsome rewards to any soldier who killed an American military
working dog and its handler.
The making of a soldier
Today's military working dogs are no longer trained
to sense trip wires and hunt for "tunnel rats" — their jobs have evolved,
just as the military has. They still perform such basic functions as guard
duty, but their responsibilities today also include base security,
individual and crowd control, tracking, and explosive and narcotic
detection, says Lt. Col. John Probst, USAF, Commander, 341st Training
Squadron, Lackland Air Force Base (AFB) in San Antonio. "Probably 90 percent
of the dogs trained here are considered dual-purpose dogs," he notes. "That
means they're police dogs first, and then they have a specialty skill."
And though the Department of Defense (DOD) is
understandably reluctant to discuss specifics, it would be no surprise to
find military working dogs on the battlefields in Afghanistan. What better
tool than a highly trained dog to search caves and bunkers for individuals,
explosives, or other materials? "I don't know that they're there, but they
certainly would be valuable because of their skills at detecting and finding
people," observes Probst.
While DOD is hesitant to reveal the details of how
military working dogs have become an instrumental part of America's war on
terrorism, Probst says the importance of military dogs has become even more
"I will tell you that I think the war on terrorism
has caused more people to become aware of the military working dogs'
capabilities," says Probst. "Probably the dogs' No. 1 role before and after
Sept. 11 has been pure psychological deterrence. People pay less attention
to two cops standing side by side than when they drive up to a gate and
instead see a cop and a dog, which has that alert stance. You're more
likely to be concerned about the capabilities of that dog, and it's fair to
assume that a dog can do a lot ... and do it very well."
Like all good soldiers, military dogs must be
trained. The Military Working Dog School at Lackland AFB is DOD's sole
training facility, and every dog used by the four branches of the military
is trained there — as are the service members who volunteer to be canine
Almost all military working dogs are German
shepherds or Belgian Malinois. "These breeds are very adaptable to various
environments. They can change locations without a big transition," notes
Robert Dameworth, DOD Canine Program manager. "They're also athletic breeds,
with good size and stamina — very well-suited for police service-dog work."
But there are some exceptions. "We will sometimes
train specialty dogs for certain services," Probst explains. "For example,
the Navy often wants the capability to use dogs, and a couple of times
they've asked us to train Jack Russell terriers because they're much easier
to use on a ship. Jack Russell terriers can get into all the tight places
and require less living space, and their by-product is smaller, too."
During World War II, a program called "Dogs For
Defense" encouraged civilians to donate their pets to the military. Today,
however, dogs are acquired only from approved vendors and breeders in the
United States and Europe. But not every dog selected for service gets its
metaphorical stripes. Canine recruits are put through two weeks of rigorous
testing that includes a thorough medical examination and temperament
evaluation. Fewer than 40 percent make the cut.
"Military working dogs must be a little bit
courageous and not too shy," says Probst. "We'll test [their reaction to]
gunfire to see if they run; that's the last kind of dog you want to work
with. But a dog that's inquisitive [and] willing to go into new places,
who's not shy in new environments and has a strong retrieving instinct —
that's a great military working dog."
Canine training at DOD's Military Working Dog School
takes between 100 and 120 training days. "Dogs are trained using the simple
principles of timely praise and correction," notes Dameworth. "We introduce
the dog to whatever task we want it to perform and show it how to do it
again and again. When the dog does well, we praise or reward it, and when it
doesn't do well, we withhold that praise or reward. Pretty soon the dog
learns that by doing the task correctly it gets a reward, and by doing it
wrong it just gets glared at by its handler."
A dog's best friend
Handler training is equally intense and requires an
11-week course. Participants are all volunteers and typically are chosen by
field commanders, who often rely on the judgment of local kennel masters in
making their selections.
"Most good dog handlers are a little bit
independent," says Probst. "You're not going to be with 50 of your best
buddies because dogs work best when it's just you and that dog in the middle
of nowhere. So you have to be a person who's confident, mature, and willing
to get excited. Sometimes you've got to talk to that dog like you're talking
to a person. It sounds kind of funny when you hear a dog handler getting all
excited for his dog; everyone looks at him like he's a pretty strange
Not surprisingly, the relationship between dog and
handler can become extremely close. Each is dependent on the other,
particularly during wartime when survival often hinges on mutual trust,
understanding, and instinct.
"Most dog handlers, when you talk with them, will
say they'd rather have [their] dog back them up than their friends," notes
Probst. "Dogs are attentive, and they don't get distracted. If something is
going to happen, particularly a life-threatening response, the dog's loyalty
is guaranteed."
A good example is an Air Force German shepherd named
Nemo, who worked as a sentry in Vietnam. During an enemy offensive in 1966,
Nemo didn't hesitate to throw himself on four Vietcong to protect his
handler. Nemo lost an eye to enemy fire, but miraculously both he and his
handler survived the attack.
Military dogs work an average of almost 11 years,
though some last much longer. Older dogs that may be moving more slowly but
are otherwise in good health often return to the Military Working Dog School
to be used as training-aid dogs. "One of the easiest ways to train a new
handler is to give him an already trained dog," explains Probst. "In
essence, we've got dogs training people."
Shortly before the end of his second term, President
Clinton signed a law that opened the door for the retirement of military
working dogs. Prior to the passage of that law (known as the Robby Law after
a military working dog at Quantico Combat Development Command, Va.), DOD was
not allowed to give military working dogs to civilians, primarily because of
liability issues. "But now, on a case-by-case basis, dogs that are too old
to work or be used in training become available for adoption through the
unit that last commanded the dog," explains Probst. "Dogs become available
to other law-enforcement agencies first, then [to] previous handlers in DOD,
and lastly to civilians deemed capable of humanely caring [for] the dog."
Handle with care
Because so much is invested in their training and
service, military working dogs receive top-notch veterinary care. The
veterinary service facilities at Lackland AFB are staffed by Army staff from
Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and are equipped with state-of-the-art veterinary
equipment. There is even med-evac capability for dogs that are seriously
injured, explains Probst, recalling a particular case of a dog that
experienced multiple compound fractures after chasing a ball off the second
floor of a building. The animal was quickly flown to Lackland, where
military veterinarians were able to repair its injuries. That dog is now a
training-aid dog.
Though the majority of their work is strictly within
the military arena, military working dogs often are called upon to support
the Secret Service in its protection of the president, the vice president,
and other political dignitaries and foreign heads of state. They also
provide periodic protective support at well-known national events that may
require special security, such as the Super Bowl and, most recently, the
Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.
Availability is a key factor, notes Dameworth,
explaining, "There are not nearly as many dogs in the private security
sector that can be cut loose from their normal roles to do this as there are
in the military. And, in fact, there are various directives and guidelines
that authorize DOD to provide this kind of support."
What does the future hold for military working dogs?
Though our armed forces strive for technological superiority, most agree
that military dogs will continue to play an integral role in national
"Dogs give us a portability, a level of loyalty and
trust, plus a known capability that we can't find today in the average piece
of equipment," concludes Probst. "Plus, it's difficult to put a piece of
equipment out there that looks like it's alert and ready to respond and has
the same level of psychological deterrence that a dog has. As a result, I
believe that dogs will play an active role in both police work and the
military for many years to come."

The 341st Training Squadron provides basic working
dog handler instruction for the Department of Defense (DOD) and trains all
working dogs for DOD and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
The squadron's primary components include:
Dog Training Section: Trains and certifies all
explosive-detector dogs assigned to DOD. This section also is responsible
for training working dogs in patrol techniques. Once trained, dogs are
shipped worldwide to support DOD missions.
Handlers' Course: Trains all working dog handlers
assigned to the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. Additionally, it
trains patrol and drug-detector dogs for DOD.
Supervisor's Course: Gives advanced working dog
training and management skills to handlers assigned to the Air Force, Army,
Navy, and Marine Corps.
Logistics Flight: Responsible for shipping and
tracking all military working dogs worldwide.
The TSA Support Branch: Responsible for training TSA
students and explosive-detector working dogs.
DOD Military Working Dog Veterinary Services:
Provides comprehensive medical care for all working dogs assigned to the
Military Working Dog School.

It's a Dog's Life
One of Hollywood's first — and best-known — canine
movie stars was a German shepherd named Rin-Tin-Tin or "Rinty." Born to a
pair of German military working dogs, Rent was adopted as a puppy by U.S.
Army Cpl. Lee Duncan, who found him in an abandoned German war dog station
in the French countryside in 1918.
Rinty made his movie debut in the 1922 silent film
The Man From Hell's River (Western Pictures Exploitation Co.). The movie was
a huge box office success, and Rin-Tin-Tin was quickly signed by Warner
Brothers, which cast him in 24 subsequent films. Within the fledgling movie
studio he was commonly referred to as "the mortgage lifter" because his
movies always turned a profit. During his heyday, Rin-Tin-Tin earned $1,000
a week and sported a diamond-studded collar.
However, Rin-Tin-Tin was no prima donna. He
performed most of his own stunts and even served as his own stand-in while
scenes were staged and lighted. When asked how he coaxed Rinty to perform,
Duncan explained, "He has never been trained. He is just an educated dog. We
simply understand each other, and until you understand your dog you can
never hope to teach him anything."
Rin-Tin-Tin died Aug. 8, 1932.