It was a Sunday morning late June in 1965 when our First Sergeant, Sergeant
Hutchinson, called Mike Glines and myself to his home on base. Not having a clue
why we were a little concern, especially, it being a Sunday. When we arrived he
escorted us to his kitchen and poured us a cup of coffee. Imagine a first shirt
serving a couple of peon's coffee. He gathered the morning Sunday paper on the
kitchen table and thumped his finger several times on the headlines of a North
Vietnamese infiltration at the Da Nang AB Air Base. "I'll bet that is where
you two are headed" he said. We both had volunteered several weeks ago and
had forgotten all about it. Our first shirt had a unique way of reminding us
that we had.
A few days later we received our orders that we were to report with dogs NLT
1600, 10 Jul 65 to Sentry Dog School, Lackland AFB, TX. (I still have copies).
There were forty teams from all over the U.S. at Lackland being evaluated for
Operation Top Dog XLV. The instructors seeing Mike's dog quickly informed him
that he has to get acquainted with a new dog because his dog King 737F was all
white. King may have been the first Vietnam reject. Remember at that time the
dogs were Sentry dogs and getting acquainted in a short time frame was not easy.
Mike had very little time to get that up/down the leash relationship established
and going into an unknown situation without a good read on his dog was going to
be tough.
There was not a class of new handlers being trained at that time so there
were many instructors working with us. Les Maddox (366th Da Nang AB) used to catch
rattle snakes in civilian life, so being in Texas it was quite natural for him
to snare a couple. One of the instructors was deadly afraid of snakes so he and
Les did not get along. One evening when we came back from being decoys, Les has a rattler in one
hand the head in the other and about four feet of snake hanging between. The
instructor seeing Les and I come in with the snake blew a gasket and if he had
had a sidearm I'm sure he would have drew down on us. Les snapped the rattler
like you would a whip and popped the head off with a loud pop.
The instructors ran us through several night training sessions none of which
were what we found when we arrived in country. But, how do you simulate Vietnam.
Big on their agenda were retraining our dogs not to agitate on gunfire. Of
all they put us though, trying to brake my dog of not barking on gunfire was the
hardest. Dutch loved gunfire but he learned to like it quietly. If there was a
fire fight on the perimeter he was in heaven and was more alert. After our testing/training twenty teams (I have pictures if any readers are
from the first team) were loaded up and shipped out. The rest of us left a few
days later on a C130.
The flight over was uneventful except the leg from Texas to the West Coast.
One engine lost a generator so the pilot shut it down. Every where we landed the
Air Police roped off our aircraft and posted guards. We were allowed to exercise
the dogs at each stop, which caused quite a stir when twenty handlers each with
a dog were seen exiting the aircraft.
Da Nang AB First Night
Our sergeant, whose name escapes me, and I did not agree on the care of my
dog on the flight over. He wanted me to give Dutch the pills the vets had given
us to keep them calm. I refused so upon arrival I was assigned the first CQ
duty. Most of our dogs were lodged in a large tent with their shipping crates as
their doghouse. The crates were turned upside down secured to a pallet and the
stake chain attached to the handle. There were kennels available for our dogs
but they were not in very good condition and needed some work before we could
use them.
Our kennel office was also a tent with a couple of cots and this is where my
first night in Da Nang AB was spent. We had arrived before dark and gotten our dogs
and gear secured when the sergeant assigned me to CQ duty while the rest of the
handlers were trucked off to tent city to find out where we were to live.
A Marine Sergeant Major (that was also his name) showed up carrying a box of
grenades. He informed me that they were expecting some activity that evening but
not to be alarmed. Sure a sky cop dog handler without a stitch of combat training
and he wants me not to be "alarmed". He also asked if I had any ammo
for my 16, which I didn't and when I told him so I swear he sighed with relief.
The Sergeant Major also was kind enough to point out where the bunker was if
I needed to take cover. Little did I know that he was setting me up because just
about every night a very large cannon was letting lose some very large shells in
support of the Army and Marines. Upon returning from the bunker guess who was
waiting for me with a large grin and a cup of coffee. By the way the grenades
were of the smoke variety.
Little did I know that our kennel area was in the middle of three or four
thousand Marines and our dogs were in the most secure area in Da Nang AB. Thanks
We found out very quickly that working a sentry dog in Vietnam was not like
working them in the States with just you and your dog on your assigned post.
Some areas we worked had Army guarding fuel depots, Marines in foxholes around
the perimeter, the Air Force with walking sentries on the aircraft and K-9 teams
slotted somewhere in between. And for the first time our dogs were exposed to
gunfire either on the perimeter or a firefight within hearing distance.
The first night on duty I observed a Marine Officer going from foxhole to
foxhole checking the Marine's weapon for a live round in the chamber. You could
always tell when the officer was in the area because the Marines in the foxholes
would silently remove the live round before the officer showed up then when he
was out of hearing range they quietly charged their weapons up again.
After the officer left I approached the fence between us and asked why. The
Marine informed me that they were not allowed to chamber a round until fired on.
Remember this was July 1965 and it wasn't long before they got rid of that silly
reg. After a while our dogs adjusted to this type of activity.

Photo Above: The first temporary kennels. The dogs were
staked to their shipping crates using chains & collars. Wood pallets were
used to raise the dogs above the mud during monsoon.

- Photo Above: K-9 Sick Call 1965