South Vietnam consisted of three major geographic features. A coastal
plain, varying in width from fifteen to forty kilometers, extends along
most of the 1,400 kilometers of the coast. This plain abuts the second
feature-the southeastern edge of the Annamite Mountain Chain, known in
South Vietnam as the Central Highlands, which run from the northern border
along the old Demilitarized Zone south to within eighty kilometers of
Saigon. The Central Highlands are mostly steep-sloped, sharp-crested
mountains varying in height from 5,000 to 8,000 feet, covered with tangled
jungles and broken by many narrow passes. The southern third of the
country consists almost entirely of an arable delta.
These three geographical features helped shape the four military zones
of South Vietnam. The northern zone, or I Corps Zone, which ran from the
Demilitarized Zone down to Kontum and Binh Dinh provinces, consisted
almost entirely of high mountains and dense jungles. At several points the
Annamites cut the narrow coastal plain and extend to the South China Sea.
II Corps Zone ran from I Corps Zone south to the southern foothills of
the Central Highlands, about one hundred kilometers north of Saigon. It
consisted of a long stretch of the coastal plain, the highest portion of
the Central Highlands, and the Kontum and Darlac Plateaus
III Corps Zone ran from II Corps Zone southwest to a line forty
kilometers below the capital, Saigon. This was an intermediate geographic
region, containing the southern foothills of the Central Highlands; a few
large, dry plains; some thick, triple-canopy jungle along the Cambodian
border; and the northern stretches of the delta formed by the Mekong River
to the south.
IV Corps Zone consisted almost entirely of this delta, which has no
forests except for dense mangrove swamps at the southernmost tip and
forested areas just north and southeast of Saigon. Seldom more than twenty
feet above sea level, the delta is covered with rice fields separated by
earthen dikes. During the rainy season the paddies are marshy, making
helicopter landings and vehicular troop transport extremely difficult.
Hamlets straddle the rivers and canals, and larger villages (up to 10,000
people) and cities lie at tile junctions of the waterways. Bamboo brakes
and tropical trees grow around the villages and usually extend from 50 to
300 meters back on either side of the canal or hamlet.
The entire country lies below the Tropic of Cancer, between the 8th and
17th parallels. The climate is generally hot and humid the year round. In
winter the country lies under a high pressure system that causes a dry
season in the south. In the summer, however, rains fall heavily, varying
from torrential downpours to steady mists. The northern region of South
Vietnam has the most rain, averaging 128 inches, while the Saigon (renamed Ho Chi Minh City after the communist victory) region
averages 80 inches. In the northern region and the Central Highlands,
where most of the fighting by U.S. troops during the war occurred, dense
fog and low clouds often grounded all aircraft. About ten times a year,
usually between July and November, typhoons blow in from the South China
Sea, soaking South Vietnam with heavy rains and lashing it with fierce