Blackie 129X
Photo Above: Greg Dunlap and Blackie
This photo is best captioned "My Helmet"
Photos Below: Don Poss & Blackie

Now, this story also leads to the
birth of the VSPA K-9 web pages . Don introduced me to the Vietnam
Security Police Association and their website. At that time there were no pages on
the dog program. Don was the webmaster and I offered to help him. Don was
busy building the VSPA pages.
He promoted me to K-9 Webmaster and told me to go forth. And I did! I
learned the programs needed and built the K-9 pages. So I guess I owe that
to a dog that never allowed me to pet him.
[Actually...Monty called up power-sniveling that K-9 was getting the short-end of the stick at VSPA. He told me he had a web page for K-9 in place: I "annointed" him VSPA K-9 webmaster on the spot -- great job ever since! :) Don Poss]

Đà Nàng AB Air Base Dogs of Đà Nàng AB
Handlers of Đà Nàng AB
Attack on Đà Nàng AB
Blackie #129X
K-9 Posts of Đà Nàng AB
Stories by Greg Dunlap Stories
by Greg Dunlap #2
Stories of Đà Nàng Trip: China Beach
Sick Call
The Section
Photos # 1
Photos # 2 Photos # 3
Photos # 4
Đà Nàng AB K-9 Reunions
366th SPS K-9
Association Website