By late '69, the section had developed into a very exclusive, tight group.
Handlers were expected to stand together on anything against anyone. It was very
much a case of us against everyone else. The only exception was the Marines.
They treated us better on post than our fellow Air Force Security Police did,
and we responded accordingly. Newcomers to the three Marine companies, Alpha,
Bravo and Charlie (3rd Military Police Battalion), were always surprised to find
Air Force dog teams patrolling in front of them with them. All of the handlers
preferred to work the Marine perimeter rather than the one post on the Air Force
The marine perimeter consisted of machine gun bunkers, some concertina barb
wire in front, a few claymores, and a few lights. Our dog posts were between the
machine gun bunkers and ran forward to the wire. Each bunkers would have several
marines sleeping, with one or two on watch all night. K-9 teams going on post were dropped off alongside the main road and
walked to the perimeter. At night, vehicles on the perimeter risked sniper fire.
As we walked past the Marine bunkers, we were always asked if our dog knew any tricks. Handlers quickly
learned that showing off a few dog tricks would guarantee cordial relations
(coffee) with the Marines manning the bunkers. They would give up a sandwich or
two from the "midnight rations" delivered to the Marines on the
perimeter. The sandwich was a welcome break from the C-Rations that we were
given. The sandwich was always split with the most important member of the
sentry dog team, the dog, which always pleased the marines.
Alpha company lines ran from the main Air Force cantonment area to a gate
located on the south side of the base. Kilo-16 was the first post on the Alpha
Company lines. The road out of this gate ran past a silk factory, leading to one
of the bridges over the river. The road ran in the direction of Happy Valley (a
popular launching point for VC rockets). Alpha Company's CO was a Captain
Swartz. He checked posts almost every night and usually stopped to talk to each
handler. We regarded him as having brass ones because of the way he ignored dogs
agitating on him. He would walk up so close that it took a determined effort to
prevent a dog from biting him
I believe that Bravo Company had two platoons; one on each side of the bridge
over the river. During Tet of 69, one of platoons was overrun and had to
withdraw back across the river. They retook the bridge but suffered casualties.
On Da Nang AB, Bravo Company lines were short (with only two platoons on the
perimeter). The aforementioned silk factory was located at the gate, off base
next to the perimeter fence. Past the gate, Bravo Company lines were on the
perimeter fence with the on base bomb dump behind them. We only had a few posts
there. They were between the perimeter fence and an inner chain link fence, with
a road used only in the daytime with a high dirt revetment separating the
perimeter from the bomb dump. The on base bomb dumps were as far away from the
flight line and cantonment areas as possible, yet still within the base
Charlie Company lines were the longest. They stretched from the POL tank farm
on the northwest Marine side of the base, around a large swamp that was north of
the ends of the two parallel runways, to the POL tank farm located on the
northeast Air Force side. In the area where the swamp ran off base, the fence
consisted of some concertina and a few strands of barbed wire.
Photos Below: Da Nang Perimeter

Below: Charlie Company 1st Platoon's Swampy Perimeter

Charlie Company
controlled two vehicle gates to the base. Our posts, beginning with Kilo-1, were
between bunkers manned by 1st Platoon, Charlie Company, with the last post on
Charlie Company lines being Kilo-14.
- Below Photos: Bridge to Bunker # 1, Charlie Company. 1st
Platoon Note: Being in the middle of this foot bridge during a rocket attack was
not a good experience. The swamp on both sides of the bridge was laced solid with barb wire

Photo Below: Fortified machine Gun Bunker, Charlie

No one liked to work the only post on the Air Force perimeter side of the
base (Kilo15). We went through a gate located near a machine gun tower. The SP
at the tower would then padlock the gate behind us. The post was between an
inner chain link fence and a triple row of concertina. Behind the concertina was
a row of Claymore mines, controlled by the machine gun tower. To the uninformed,
a Claymore mine is a widely used anti-personnel mine. The mine is dark green
plastic and resembles a small suitcase. It contains a block of C-4 explosive,
with several pounds of ball bearings glued into one side of the case. The blast
directs the shrapnel in a pattern that can be aimed. A prominent warning label
was on each mine, "This side toward the enemy". A sandbag or two was
placed on the ground behind each mine to reduce the back blast.
We had been told that if all the Claymores were fired, the only chance we had
to survive was to be in our little K-9 bunker. If you wanted to sit down and
enjoy your C-rations, you could either sit atop the bunker or sit on a sandbag
and have a really close up look at a Claymore. The mines were detonated
electrically from a panel located in a machine gun tower. It was rumored that
after one rocket attack, the firing panel for the Claymores was found unlocked.
We were not at all pleased with that. If you told a Marine bunker that you had
an alert, the Marines would, without any hesitation, back you up. On K-15, we
envisioned the firing panel being unlocked.
In mid-1969, the off base munitions dumps exploded and burned for hours early
one morning after we had just come in from post. The Marine Scout Dog kennels,
located near a off-base munitions dump, had to be evacuated. Their dogs were
brought to our kennels, staked out to the fence, with shipping crates used as
doghouses. I remember that one of the Marine handlers had his leg in a full
cast. After a few days, they were moved to the Navy sentry dog kennels at China
A short time later a K-9 party was held at the Navy kennels for all the Dog
Handlers in I Corp. I don't remember too much about the party (don't read too
much into that, either!); however, I do recall seeing sand and palm trees. I
caught the K-9 posting truck back to the Air Base in the early afternoon, but
several AF handlers stayed and joined a party of Marine and Navy handlers at a
nearby Army Club. Some soldiers decided to pick on the Marines, since they were
outnumbered. They soon found out that all the dog handlers were more than
willing to back each other.
A few of the lucky handlers were off that night. Tom Suddeth woke up the next
morning and found himself at a Marine site. The only problem was that it was at
Marble Mountain. He made it back to the base in time for guardmount only because
of friendly Marines.

Da Nang AB Air Base
Dogs of Da Nang AB
Handlers of Da Nang AB
Attack on Da Nang AB
Blackie #129X
K-9 Posts of Da Nang AB
Stories by Greg Dunlap Stories
by Greg Dunlap #2
Stories of Da
Nang Trip: China Beach
Sick Call
The Section
Photos # 1
Photos # 2
Photos # 3
Photos # 4
Da Nang AB K-9 Reunions
366th SPS K-9
Association Website