
was an Airman Third Class Air Policeman assigned to "A" Flight, 377th APS at
Tan Son Nhut AB from September 1966 to September 1967.. I was 19 years old
and had been in country a little over 2 months. This is my story.
was Sunday, December 4, 1966. I had been relieved from post (A-10) at
approximately 2030 hours the night before and after returning to the AP
compound to turn in my weapon and equipment it was after 2100 hours before I
got to bed. I had been asleep for 2-3 hours when I awaken to someone
yelling "fall out, were under attack" and I heard explosions and machine
gun fire coming from the vicinity of the flight line. I quickly got dressed
and, grabbing my Helmut and web gear, ran (shirt unbuttoned and boot laces
dragging )over to the armory to get a weapon. After receiving an M-16 I
boarded a 1 1/2 ton stake truck with 14 others and we drove to CSC to
determine what was happening and to find out where we should go.
After a brief time, it
was determined that we should go to the west perimeter and set up a blocking
force on the perimeter road just south of the ditch that ran under the
perimeter fence between the runway and the counter-mortar battery. I was
one of the last to dismount the truck once we were in position. The truck
then moved north on the road and had traveled about 100 feet when it
suddenly exploded, apparently hit by a rocket propelled grenade. Soon after
getting into position on the base side of the road, we came under mortar and
small arms fire. Suddenly there was a small explosion to my right and a
scream. I turned to look in that direction and saw an individual run across
the road and dive into the elephant grass. We fired into the area where the
individual dived. Because of the mortars raining down on us, someone
decided that we should change our position to across the road towards the
perimeter and set up positions there. Soon the mortars stopped and we were
instructed to move back to our original positions.
After establishing our
positions I heard the birds in a tree just south of me outside the fence
line start making a lot of noise as if they had been disturbed. I mentioned
this observation to a senior member of our team and stated that I thought
something was about to happen in that area. Sure enough a machine gun
started firing at us from under the tree. Aircraft soon flew over and
attacked that area and eliminated the threat.
We were soon joined by
other Air Policemen and several ambulances came and went. None of us on the
team had a radio so it was a mystery to us how we were getting help just
when we needed it. It turned out that A1C Skip Miller was in a tower (A-15)
near our position and could see what was happening and reported our actions
to CSC and requested the help we needed. We were under fire most of the
night and as daylight came things quieted down. We were under the
misconception that the attack was over and we started to stand up and talk
amongst ourselves when someone yelled "there's some over there" and shots
rang out. I had been talking to another member of our team when I heard and
felt a bullet pass between us (we were about 2 feet apart at the time). We
spun around in opposite directions and fell to the prone position and
started returning fire. The head of a VC I was shooting at suddenly
exploded and the man fell to the ground. I heard a commotion to my right
and turned in that direction to see a couple of APs working on an individual
who had been shot. They were about 10 feet from me. It turned out that
that individual had been shot in the chest. A pen in his pocket had
deflected the bullet enough that it missed his heart. Soon the firing
stopped and 2 VC stood up with their hands in the air. We rushed up to them
and took them prisoner. After a sweep of the area, an "all clear" was
sounded and we boarded vehicles to be taken back to the AP compound to get
cleaned up, get something to eat and to rearm. Tables were set up with
clerks to take our stories, however, I didn't get a chance to tell my
story. "A" Flight was supposed to have a 0400 Guardmount that morning but
it was delayed several hours because of the attack , so we had a quick
Guardmount and went out to our assigned posts (A-10 for me). Shortly after
being posted a tower guard reported movement on the north side of the
runway. I was pulled off post to help in a sweep of the area. One VC was
found and killed on that sweep.
After our shift, I was
assigned to the reserve alert team and we were soon called out to again
sweep the area north of the runway on the west side of the base. Soon after
starting our sweep, we came upon a ditch filled with waist deep water that
we had to cross. Some of the team members went into the water. I saw an
area to my right that appeared dry and mover over to cross there. I had
started across and was about half way when the "surface crust" broke and I
sank up to my armpits in the mud and had to be pulled out. There was
sporadic gun fire all around us for the next couple of hours. When the "all
clear" was sounded we made our way out to the perimeter road for pick up and
return to the alert hut. We recovered several VC bodies along the way.
to soon it was time for Guardmount and back on post and live returned to
"normal". I never did get a chance to tell my story to the clerks for the
records and got no recognition for my part in defending the base. Many
years later I read that the base had been attacked by 2 battalions of VC/NVA
and that just outside of our position on the west perimeter the VC/NVA had
established a blocking position of about 100 troops. They were there to
protect their comrades as they infiltrated the base after the attack. I
also read that our team was lead by TSGT Olbert Heitt and that out of the 15
men sent out, 2 were killed (A2C O. J. Riddle and A2C J. M. Cole) and 9 were
wounded. I was one of four that came out of it alive and unhurt.
Several days later as I was walking past the orderly room I saw an
individual that I had gone through AZR with. He was a dog handler in the
K-9 Unit and was standing there with a sentry dog. As I approached him he
asked me to hold the dog while he went to use the restroom and I agreed. I
noticed that the dog had been heavily sedated and was covered in bandages.
He had lost part of an ear and one of his eyes had a bandage over it His
name was Nemo. For 10 minutes I was a dog handler in Vietnam and as soon as
I got back Stateside I put in a request for K-9 and was accepted. The dog I
was assigned was Kemo he was Nemo's older brother.
Trimble, VSPA Life Member 465

Photo above Kemo, Unknown Brand #,
Brother of Nemo
Submitted by:
A3C William C. Trimble,
377th APS, Tan Son Nhut AB, Republic of Vietnam., 1966-1967