News from the Sandbox
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-- Senior Airman Eric Stafford and his partner, Tino, patrol a
bombed out building near the perimeter of the base. Tino is
trained to detect explosives and is credited with stopping two men
who breached the perimeter of the base. Stafford is a military
working dog handler here. He and Tino are assigned to Moody Air
Force Base, Ga. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Bob Oldham)
dogs help defend Iraq
by Tech. Sgt. Bob Oldham
332nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs
- - TALLIL AIR BASE, Iraq (AFPN) - Hiding behind
mounds of dirt or anything else his handler could find, Tino sat and
waited for an intruder to breach the base’s fence on his random
listening and observation post.
Suddenly, the military
working dog’s ears, eyes and nose zeroed in on two men as they entered
the base’s perimeter. As the men closed in, Tino stood up, fluffing up
his hair and tail to make his presence known.
“You could hear them stop breathing (when they saw Tino),” said
Senior Airman Eric Stafford, a military working dog handler here from
Moody Air Force Base, Ga. “They knew it was over.”
The two men threw their hands in the air -- their foray onto the base
was over. Stafford called for backup, and the two were hauled away.
Mission complete.
In today’s Air Force, it takes a special breed of airman and dog --
German shepherd, Dutch shepherd or Belgian malinois -- to secure the
perimeter of a military installation, and it is no different here.
To help security forces airmen cope with the hazards of the job, they
team with military working dogs to thwart potential aggressors and keep
base airmen safe to do their jobs. Stafford and Tino are just one
example of that teamwork.
All of the Department of Defense’s military working dogs are trained
at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Once trained, dogs are shipped to
units and paired with a trained handler. The two work together at home
station and temporary duty locations, as is the case with Tino and
Stafford. They will separate only when the airman permanently changes
duty stations.
Tino is not just a security dog, he is also trained to smell explosives
or explosive-making materials. The dog and Stafford are one set of an
undisclosed number of dogs and handlers here, keeping intruders and
terrorist bombs out, officials said.
While both tasks are important, so is keeping military working dogs
healthy. That job falls to a trained Army veterinarian technician who
monitors the dogs’ health on a weekly basis, looking for signs of
disease or injury.
To keep the dogs hydrated, they drink the doggie version of a human
sports drink to replace lost electrolytes. They also have special
equipment that works like an ice pack to help them stay cool when
temperatures rise, officials said.
Military working dogs are one line of defense in a multi-layered
defensive plan. The dogs serve two roles: to detect and to deter, said
Tech. Sgt. Michael Silvin, the kennel master here.
Detection is manning a post, looking for bad guys, much like Tino and
his handler. Deterrence comes in a couple of forms, like posting the
dogs in areas visible to those entering and exiting the base and by word
of mouth, such as the two intruders that Tino stopped in their tracks,
he said.
“The locals talk,” Silvin said. “They know we have them, and
they’re scared to death of them.”
(Story re-printed
courtesy of AFNEWS - Air Force Print News http://www.af.mil/news/
IRAQI FREEDOM -- Senior Airman Donnie Wells watches as Kastor, a
Belgian malinois, sniffs for any hazardous materials or explosives
among cable rolls aboard a flatbed trailer. Wells and Kastor are
currently assigned to the 363rd Expeditionary Security Forces
Squadron at a forward-deployed location. They are deployed from
the 99th Security Forces Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Darrell Lewis)
K-9 partners
operate on vigilance, trust
by Master Sgt. Darrell Lewis
9th Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force Public
- OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM (AFPN) -- At base gates, military working dogs
and handlers are doing their part in the war with Iraq while guarding
against the threat of terrorism.
These threats mean there
are more reasons than ever to suspect that America's enemies will target
its most valuable resources with explosives or hazardous materials. Air
Force K-9 teams are on guard to detect such attempts.
"We ensure
everything that comes on the installation is safe and doesn't jeopardize
our people and our mission here," said Tech. Sgt. Chris Goll, the
kennelmaster at a forward location. Goll is deployed from the 35th
Security Forces Squadron at Misawa Air Base, Japan.
Dogs and handlers deploy
together, usually for 135 to 140 days. This predictable process was
disrupted by the build-up and military action to rid Iraq of weapons of
mass destruction and Saddam Hussein's regime. All the while, memories of
terrorist strikes against America on Sept. 11, 2001, remain.
"The whole culture
now after 9-11 in force protection is all about looking for stuff coming
on the base," Goll said. Guarding against this danger has become a
constant job. "We're the first ... line of defense. It's very
important that our guys are vigilant and making sure that these dogs are
working hard because sometimes they get tired. It's up to our handlers
to keep them going.
"A good handler --
and all of our handlers are good -- can motivate a dog to work past
(its) threshold. There are so many ways to hide things in vehicles; a
trained eye can only find so much. That's the biggest thing (the dogs)
The two primary breeds of
working dogs used in the Air Force are German shepherds and Belgian
malinois which are similar in appearance, Goll said. Handlers have to
take precautions to keep the dogs working at peak performance in
temperatures that can reach 120 degrees. The dogs work inside
climate-controlled search areas whenever possible, Goll said. Patrols,
however, may take them out in the heat of the day.
"If it gets too hot
we have cool vests that go on the dog," Goll said. Other
(preventative) measures include swapping out a dog's work schedule from
days to nights. "This will shorten our week so they get more time
to rest. But there's some days you just have to (work) through it."
The importance of the
K-9's mission was not always apparent to those outside the
law-enforcement community before 9-11, Goll said. "They knew we
were there if they needed us. Now you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone
-- the commanders, the senior enlisted leadership -- who aren't focused
on the dog's mission."
Military working-dog
handlers are a special breed themselves, Goll said. "It is
important that you like animals, because you're with these dogs a lot.
It's a friendship that grows out of trust for each other. The dog has to
come to trust you as well as you trust the dog. Once that happens you've
got a real good team."
Staff Sgt Sloan Kalina
graduated from the Department of Defense military working-dog school at
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, in August after nine years in security
forces investigations. Deployed from Kirtland AFB, N.M., he is teamed
with Torro, a Belgian malinois.
"It's a great
responsibility protecting all these people and all these assets,"
Kalina said. "Planes don't fly if these people aren't safe."
Kalina said Torro has
alerted twice on suspicious scents. The first was on his third day on
the job. Kalina said his training told him what to do next.
"You just pull (the
dog) out of there, get everybody out of the location and let (the
explosive ordnance disposal airmen) come and do their job."
Although nothing was
found on either alert, Kalina said he would "rather not have
something there than let something through that was."
The staff sergeant said
he trusts the dog with his own life every day that he sends him in after
potentially deadly materials. "I've got all the faith in the world
in him. He'll find it if it's there."
(Story re-printed
courtesy of AFNEWS - Air Force Print News http://www.af.mil/news/
Arkie inspects a truck at the vehicle search
area at a forward-deployed location. The veteran military
working dog with the 380th Expeditionary Security Forces
Squadron K-9 patrol, Arkie works with Staff Sgt. Louis Smith.
(Photo by 2nd Lt. Nancy Kuck
defenders work like dogs
by 2nd Lt. Nancy Kuck, 380th Air Expeditionary
Wing Public Affairs
- OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM (AFPN) -- Working like a dog. This
simile relates to someone who works tirelessly throughout a busy
day. For four exclusive members at the 380th Air Expeditionary
Wing, "working like a dog" is more than a simile. It
is their daily life.
Arkie, Tasja, Athos and Dutchy
are part of the military working dog team at a forward-deployed
location. These fabulous four put forth all their effort to
ensure base residents sleep safer at night, protecting them from
any explosive that may enter the base.
"The dogs go through
extensive training before getting deployed here," said
Staff Sgt. Damion Tineo, part of the 380th Expeditionary
Security Forces Squadron K-9 patrol who is teamed up with Tasja.
"Dogs are getting deployed now more than ever before,"
he said.
A three-month deployment is
nothing new to these four dogs. Each of them has been in the
area at least once before.
Arkie, who is designated as
the veteran of the group, is currently on his fourth desert
deployment according to his partner, Staff Sgt. Louis Smith, 380
ESFS K-9 patrol. The only German shepherd here, Arkie is the
oldest dog of the four.
The military working dogs are
treated in the same manner that their trainers are when arriving
in theater. "When the dogs arrive here, they have to get
adjusted to the new environment as we do," said Staff Sgt.
Robert Odom, a handler with the 380th ESFS K-9 patrol who is
teamed up with Dutchy. "They are just like people, (and)
they get stressed out too," he said. Their days here
include lengthy hours and rotating shifts at the vehicle search
area. It is here where people can see these base members examine
vehicles for any suspicious materials.
"Their instincts are 10
times better than ours," said Tineo. "They are awesome
with their senses."
Training never stops for the
dogs while they are here. On days when they are not at the
vehicle search area, they are either training in various areas
such as patrol and protection, resting or just being dogs.
"We can't have them work
all the time because it is not fair to them," said Odom.
"We let them relax and make sure they are not always cooped
up by coming in on our off days and letting them out to be
Their scheduled training
revolves around two days of patrol exercises and two days of
protection exercises. Done in various buildings throughout the
base and on the flightline, the dogs participate in exercises
where they are required to complete certain tasks. After
accomplishing the required tasks, they get rewards that range
from praise to squeaky toys.
Although these dogs appear
approachable, these selective four are not family pets by any
means and are not to be petted without permission by their
"A lot of people do not
realize that these dogs are trained to attack," said Staff
Sgt. Patrick Smith, who is teamed up with Athos. "These
dogs are meant to be petted by their handlers, and if strange
people just come up and pet our dogs ... they may lose their
edge, and we are not going to let that happen."
Athos, Arkie, Dutchy and Tasja
show base residents what it is really like to work like a dog. 
- The nose knows, military working
- complete security forces mission
by Staff Sgt. Kristina Barrett
506th Air Expeditionary Group Public Affairs
Staff Sgt. Ethan
McCants puts Edo through a search exercise at Kirkuk Air Base,
Iraq. His reward for a job well done is his favorite ball.
Sergeant McCants and military working dog Edo are assigned to the
506th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron here. (U.S. Air Force
photo/Staff Sgt. Kristina Barrett)
3/10/2006 - KIRKUK
AIR BASE, Iraq (AFPN) -- “Get 'em!”
With one swift movement, military working dog Breston is off like a
flash, covering the distance between his handler and his target in just
a few fluid strides. The reward for his speed and agility is a nice
juicy bite.
Of course the juicy bite was just the “bite suit” but Breston, a
Dutch shepherd, delivers an impressive 900 pounds of pressure per square
inch -- enough to tell any offender he means business and enough to
knock a full grown man to his feet.
Breston is one of the eight military working dogs, along with 10
handlers, who are deployed here from the 820th Security Forces Group at
Moody Air Force Base, Ga. The dogs, as well as their handlers, support
both Air Force and Army missions outside the wire.
“We use the dogs often on our (security forces) patrols,” said Tech.
Sgt. Sherrie Conkright, MWD handler and shift supervisor. “In
addition, we have Airmen and military working dogs supporting Army
missions, too.”
Teams are assigned to the 506th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron
and the 101st Airborne Brigade. Because of the extensive work both
branches conduct in Kirkuk and the surrounding area, the dogs augment
the missions in a way no human can. For these professionals, it’s all
about the nose.
“The dogs give us capabilities that far surpass humans in terms of
detection,” Sergeant Conkright said. “The dogs senses are
significantly more refined than ours and can detect odors better than we
can. There are odors that they can smell but we can’t.”
Those odors are the unmistakable scent of explosives. In a place where
the next improvised explosive device could be just around the corner,
dogs like Breston are force multipliers and keep their humans alive.
“Dogs don’t generalize smells. For example, if a human smells a
hamburger, they receive the whole smell in general terms,” Sergeant
Conkright said. “A dog smells the parts of the burger individually --
the bun, the condiments and the burger.”
Their unique ability to separate odors alerts them to different dangers,
which leads to a more proficient and quick search, she said. This is
especially important when stepping outside the safety of the base.
“They support the missions we do here in both mounted and dismounted
patrols outside the wire,” Sergeant Conkright said. “They travel
with mounted patrols and when needed, are able to search various
locations. For an unmounted patrol, they are a show of force in foot
patrols throughout the city.”
Two of the MWDs here are a little different, but unnoticeable until they
are let off the leash. They are called specialized search dogs, and they
are trained to work “off leash” during patrols and other actions.
They have the ability to work up to 200 yards away from their handler.
“The 820th has the only two SSDs in the Air Force and is a test
program to find out if there is a benefit in the types of missions we
do,” said Master Sgt. Robert Kisner, kennel master. “SSDs are
different in the way they approach various situations but have the same
basic detection capabilities as MWDs.”
The Army uses the SSD program full-time but because of the differences
in the mission, it is unknown how these dogs fit into the Air Force
mission. For now, the future of the program is still being tested in the
Staff Sgt. Ethan McCants, MWD handler, whose dog Edo is a traditional
explosive search dog, is sure that dogs save lives.
“He can smell things we can’t, which allows us to back off and call
(the explosive ordnance disposal flight) to do the job necessary,” he
said. “He gives a better sense of safety to do the job we need to do
because he knows.”
Sandbox News 6