Photos of
 Tuy Hoa # 1


Please note the spacious and luxurious living accommodations provided by the military for the initial phase of this tour in a tropical paradise. Join the military and see the world. (Actually we had it very good).


Photos above are of Handler Clyde Musselwhite  (Dec 66-67)  holding a lizard known throughout the South East Asia and South Pacific because of it’s distinct call. Most military stationed in this area considered this nature call as an attitude check. The call sounds very similar to someone yelling

“ F*** You ”

Hence it’s known as the F*** You Lizard.
Photos Above Courtesy of Chris Rapier




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    VSPA  is an association for USAF Vietnam War Veterans who  served  in Vietnam or Thailand from  1960-1975, as  Air Police / Security  Police or as an Augmentee.  Visit the main pages for information on joining.


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