Photo Above
Top Row - Left To Right: TSgt Tom Swartz,
Kennelmaster; Lt. Col. John Cady, Chief of Veterinary Service, Thailand;
and seven Thai Military Officials
Bottom Row - Left To Right: A1C Peter Christiano
& Lita 9M71, A1C Robert Stillabower & Ara 9M72, A1C Carl
Newcomb & Tina 9M69, A1C Harold Horn & Storie 9M70, and A1C
Joe Balboa & Kelly 9M73

In July of 1968, the United States Air Force presented the
Prime Minister of Thailand, Thanom Kittikachornn, five grown female dogs
and four puppies as a gift of appreciation from the United States of
America. The females arrived at U-Tapao, Royal Thai Air Base (RTAFB) on March 24, 1968. The
puppies were born on April 25, 1968, as Sentry Dog Lita (9M71) delivered a
litter of five (three males and two females) at the Security Police kennels
at U-Tapao. One of the puppies died on May 14, 1968. This was to
assist the Thai military in starting a dog program. This was also the
first time that our military procured dogs for a breeding
The dogs were to be used to establish a Royal Thai Palace
Guard Kennels at Korat RTAFB, Bangkok, Thailand. At the turnover ceremony,
held at U-Tapao, the Thai military officials accepted the gift of out
canine warriors. The dogs arrived in country with the first shipment of
military dogs to Thailand. It was rumored that the "gift"
was used to attain Thai permission to use sentry dogs on the military

First litter of puppies born to Lita #
The dogs were given to the King
of Thailand and used to establish breeding stock for the Thai Military dog
Above Photos Courtesy of Dave Broeker
- For more photos of Lita & her puppies go to
- Open the folder titled "Puppies".